Caught (Dean)

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The boys have been gone for two days and boredom took over my mind as I thought of everything I could do. I didn't want to watch a movie, finish a series, read a book, or even sleep. I wanted to move too, but I already went through my work out.

I decided to pair my phone with the bluetooth speaker we have and blare Falling in Reverse throughout the whole bunker. I stepped in the kitchen thinking I wanted something to eat but when 'Raised By Wolves' came on, one of my favorite Falling in Reverse songs.

I lost myself in dancing, jumping around like a teenage girl in her bedroom after a rough day. My hips moved in ways I never thought they would as I let lose and going with the flow.

Finally it turned into a full blown jam out session. Lip synching, dancing, and air guitar. More songs came on from the relatable band 'Chemical Prisoner', 'Superhero', then finally my ultimate favorite from them. 'Popular Monster'.

As the lead singer rapped a bit the chorus finally came.

'Cause I'm about to break down! Searching for a way out!'

I turned around to face the entrance of the kitchen and found two brothers staring at me in disbelief. I screamed as I realized they were standing there. I ran to get my phone off of the counter top to pause the music.

"You can dance?" Dean asked.

"Um... not really," I scratched the back of my neck. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked the question that was lingering in my mind.

"Long enough," Sam replied.

"Yeah long enough to know my girl can dance," Dean winked at me.

"Shut the hell up, I was just letting lose," I chuckled.

"What were you listening to anyways?" Dean asked.

"Falling in Reverse."

"I didnt know you listened to that kind of music," he smirked at me.

"We've been together for how long and you're just now knowing I listen to rock?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You would think with all the jokes she makes you would've caught up on it," Sam stated the obvious.

"I just thought they were hunter jokes," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh you have a lot to learn about me then, baby," I kissed Dean's cheek and walked past the two Winchesters. Hopefully going to finally be able to find a hunt all of us can go on.

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