Chapter 12: Yes, your honor

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AN: Thank you so much if you have stuck with me this far! <3

Just a heads up this chapter skips right to the trial, anything exciting that happened will be mentioned throughout the chapter. If you like it, please remember to vote!


"President Ronan J. Ellis against Aaron L. Benderson," Judge Coleman announced.

I tried not to show it, but I was terrified. I knew the outcome, a life sentence, and there was no way to change it. Ellis was out for blood.

"Mr. President, you may state your case" The judges voice echoed across the the cold, marble room.

"Well, your honor, Aaron Benderson was caught on live television, assassinating Monsieur Rainier De La Fontaine, at the annual Goodwill Gala. We have video evidence, and the police have confirmed that the victim was indeed murdered by suffocation," Ellis explained.

There was something in his voice that almost convinced me that I had murdered Rainier. I shook my head of the thought, but it still lingered in the back of my mind. There was definitely something off.

"How does knowing the victim suffocated to death help us decide weather Mr. Benderson is guilty?" Judge Coleman questioned.

"Aaron is one of the few gifted. As far as I have heard, his only gift is aerokenisis, your honor."

"Mr. Benderson, can you confirm this?" The judge looked towards me.

"Yes, your honor," I spoke, my voice trembling.

Judge Coleman nodded and  turned back to Ellis.

"Is that all, President Ellis?"

"No, your honor,  I have a witness," Ellis responded to the judge.

The judge motioned for him to continue.

"I would like to call up Linnea Carter."

Those words struck me like a rain of bullets. Ellis' lips curled into a cruel smile.  I could see the evil behind his shining eyes.    

"Before Mrs. Carter talks, I would like to say a few words," Ellis purred, "from my first day in office, until now, I have been trying to help my people be free from dangers of  the 'gifted'.   I have created a league of the gifted to protect those without gifts from villains like Aaron or the rest of CLAW.  I too have been robbed of someone I love because of them.  5 years ago, a week after I stepped foot in office, my daughter, Willow, was murdered by Caden Beckett of CLAW. She was 7. They show no mercy to anyone.  That's why, if they aren't taken care of, they will take care of us."

I was too stunned to speak.  I had never heard his motive, only how he hated CLAW. 

"Thank you, Mr. President," Judge Coleman nodded "Mrs. Carter, you may now say your piece."

"Thank you judge," my mom spoke, but the whole time, she kept looking between me and my lawyer, who was hired for me. Finally, her eyes met mine with a look of pain and grief. Suddenly,  she gasped starring at someone in the front row of the spectator seats. Dad. He sat solemnly watching, helpless, as I would soon be commended for a crime I didn't commit.

"Mrs. Carter, were you, as you have said, at the Goodwill Gala at the Smithsonian on Saturday, July 11, of this year?" The judge questioned.

"Yes, your honor," Mom's voice was shaking.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened that night?"

"I was stationed at the gala by president Ellis. He sent me there to help with the assassination of  Monsieur Rainier."

You could hear a pin drop while Mom waited for it to sink in.

"I was sent to do this as well as the superhero you all know as Chameleon. Chameleon, or as I know her, Jovie Adler, was the one to deliver the final blow not Arron," She started again.

Ellis' emerald eyes burned with anger. I looked at my lawyer, instead of the excited smile that I'd expected, a sneer that promised vengeance took it's place. 

"I believe, Mrs. Adler is here," Mom smirked at my lawyer.

"Mrs. Adler, please come forward" the judge stated, still slightly shocked from Mom's confession. 

My lawyer stepped forward.

 "I am here, your honor." 

"Can you tell me if this is true?" Judge Coleman questioned.

"Yes, your honor," Jovie's voice was as sharp as a blade and dripping with malice.

"Please continue, Mrs Carter." The judge motioned to Mom.

"The plan was always to frame CLAW. Chameleon's gift copies other's gifts so she can use them. When the smoke bomb was dropped, we expected one of the CLAW members to run up and try to help, then Jovie would be waiting on stage, once she touched them, she would have their gift. Then, she would kill the ambassador with the CLAW members gift, easily framing them. All of this was Ellis' instruction."

"When you said that a CLAW member would run up to help, are you saying that CLAW is the hero?" Judge Coleman stammered. 

"Yes your honor."

Mom held her head high and defiant as Ellis glared murder at her. 

"Is that all?" The judge responded, still in shock.

Mom nodded and started to walk to where Dad was sitting. I smiled knowing this changed everything, I would win. 


The air around me buzzed with electricity. 

Right before Mom had reached the seats, Ellis had shot at her from the silver ring he was famous for wearing. 

Dad was quicker, he had reached Mom and blocked her from the blast. His left arm had a gaping cut, but there was no blood because the electricity had singed his blood vessels. He groaned in agony, but smiled when he saw Mom was safe.

Guards started rushing towards Ellis, but several people watching ran to the presidents aid. 

I ran to myself and was greeted by several CLAW members, including Teagan.

"Dad, are you ok?" I panicked, seeing his wound.

"Never been better," Dad joked, but I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Let's get him out of here, Ave, take him to safety," Teagan motioned to a young guy with feathered wings.

"The rest of us will take on Ellis,"

We looked over, right as the last of the guards fell. Ellis, Surrounded by his 'heroes', motioned for them to stop their advance towards us. 

"You all think you can win, but we all know the fight will have no purpose," Ellis purred.

"You think you've won? Your secret is out, no one will let you continue to be president. You hold no power. You have lost the war," I responded, motioning around the room.

"Lost?" He laughed. "It hasn't even begun."

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