Chapter 6: Gala

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I woke up early the morning of the mission with a knot in my stomach. What if  I wasn't good enough? What if we lost? Then it finally hit me. We were trying to stop an assassination not cause one. Wasn't this the bad guy team? This seemed like hero work. Why did I believe these guys were bad?
"Get up loser it's go time" Classified said walking into my room.
"Morning, Classified," I said. She rolled her eyes. "Do we have to get ready now it's not until 5 o'clock?"
"Yeah, we have to get ready for this."
"Do we get the cool black spy suits?" I asked excitedly.
"You get a suit but not a spy one, it's a Black-tie gala remember?"
"Oh yeah!" I said sitting up. She pointed to a black garment bag hanging on my wall. I ran over and looked at it. The tuxedo had a white jacket with matching pants, shirt, and vest. The lapels and tie were yellow. I ran my hand over the jacket. It was smooth and light. I would totally blend in with the rich dudes!
I looked back to see if Classified was still there but she was gone.
I pulled on the tux and smoothed back my light blond hair, it was just a few shades away from white, just like my dad's. My eyes though, I have my mom's stunning blue eyes.
"I look good!" I said to myself.
"Yeah you do, let's get going," laughed a voice behind me. I jump. Classified was standing in the doorway and my jaw drops.
She wore a beautiful long yellow dress with lace all along the bottom thinning out as it got higher. The lace also surrounds the off-the shoulder-arms. A diamond necklace hangs around her neck. Her hair lay in thick cornrows hanging loosely around her dark shoulders.
"Wow!" I exclaimed "you- you look AMAZING!"
"Thanks," she mumbles, shyly pushing a loose braid behind her ear "You look pretty good yourself."
A few moments later two girls rushed in. The taller one had short, wavy, flaming red hair, much like my mom's. She wore a flowery teal gown. and the other as wearing a shimmering, black fitted dress, her hair was a soft pastel pink.
"Teags!" exclaimed the pink haired girl. "You look so pretty!"
"Teags?" I laugh.
"Shut up," she whispers to me and turns back to the other girls "Thanks! you do too, Zola!"

"Well, the limos are waiting, so we better get going," murmurs Ray after a few moments of silence. She grabs the pink haired girl's hand and they head out the door. I offer my arm to Classified and she holds it as we walk out the door. Best day EVER!!!

We climbed in the limo and started to drive.
"Ok," classified said suddenly,  "here's the game plan..."
"Finally!" I sighed. We couldn't discuss it at base for secrecy. 
"Zola and Ray, you two are in charge of Ludmila Struna, the Czech ambassador. She is known to love paintings so when we arrive head to the national art gallery,"
"Aww! Just like our first date!" Zola said, putting her head on Ray's shoulder and looking up at her.
"We went to Panda Express for our first date, Zola," corrected Ray.
"Not the place! The part where we are tracking people and making sure they don't die," said Zola playing with a bracelet on Ray's wrist.
"Anyway," Classified cut in, "Arron and I will cover Rainier De La Fontaine. We will look for him in the entrance hall of the Smithsonian where he will be getting ready to make his speech."
When we arrived the driver opened the door and we climbed out. I held my hand out for Classified and she accepted it. We held hands while we walked into The Smithsonian. I gazed in awe at the sight of the place. The room was made of what I thought was marble, a small glass sat in the middle of the doomed ceiling showing the blue sky. In the middle of the room was a stuffed elephant.
I wasn't finished looking at the magnificent room when Classified pulled me towards a group of  important looking people.
"Monsieur de la Fontaine puis-je m'introduire, je suis Lila Ximique et c'est Carter Grey. Merci d'être venu," smiled Classified.

"Bonjour mademoiselle Ximique, c'est un honneur d'être ici mais, I speak english as well," said a handsome man who couldn't be older than 35.
The rest of the group left and it was just the man, who I assumed was Rainier De La Fontaine, and us.
"Hello Mr. Carter," Said monsieur De La Fontaine.
Carter? We were supposed to have fake names but I forget what they were. I hoped he wouldn't ask me something about Classified that I'd need a name for.
"Hello Mr. De La Fontaine."
"Oh please, call me Rainer," His voice was heavy with an accent, "Have you and Miss Lila been enjoying the party?"
Lila, that's it!
"Yes it has been very fun," I told him grabbing two drinks from a passing waiter. I handed one to Classified and took a sip. Yuck! Champagne is disgusting!
"I never really understand why people put on such large parties just for a silly little speech that I must say, don't they have better things to do then hear me read a piece of paper?" Rainier said, finishing off his drink. "I best get on stage so i'm not trampled by the crowd."
I looked towards the entrances and saw  thousands of people flooding in. I spotted Zola and Ray walking with an older blonde woman who must be the Czech ambassador. Then, right as Rainier started his speech I saw her. The red hair in a neat bun. It  had to be her. Standing two people away from me was my mom.
I pushed my way towards her.
"Mom, what are you doing here?"
Her head snapped toward me.
"Aarron, listen to me. You have to get out of here now! It's a trap!  Run!"
Right as she said those last words a smoke bomb went off on the stage blocking anyone on it from view. I ran onto the stage to stop the assian. Suddenly I hear a choking sound. Like the breath is being taken from someone's lungs. Then, it goes silent. The smoke clears. Rainier is dead on the ground. I am the sole survivor on the stage. I hear my moms voice in my head. RUN.

Hope you guys like it!!!!!!!! Pls comment ❤️❤️

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