Chapter 2: CLAW

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As we ate lunch, a high pitch buzzing sounded, and Dad froze then reluctantly suddenly stood up off the floor and walked towards the door.

"I need to go," he said briskly.

"Where?" I asked, putting down my greasy pizza.

"Uh, a meeting?" He said.

"Can I come with you?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course," he said with a smile coming to his face, "Perfect way to introduce Air Walk to the world!"

Maybe this wasn't the best idea, but it was too late now. Besides, even a wonky name couldn't spoil going on my first mission. Mom never let me go on missions. I followed Dad out to the parking lot and we climbed into the truck. While we were driving nothing looked familiar. There were no trees or mountains, everything was mechanical.

"Dad, where are we?" I asked nervously.

"Don't worry we're close," he said. Soon a large glass dome was in sight. We were going super fast, and dad wasn't slowing down. In fact, he was speeding up!

"Dad!" I screamed, "We're about to hit it!"

"I know," he yelled back. I shut my eyes and braced myself for impact, but nothing happened.

"You can open your eyes now," Dad said. I did, and surprisingly I wasn't dead! Instead, I was in the most incredible place EVER!

It wasn't your regular villain lair. Everything was like an alien spaceship! It must've covered 500 square acres! I loved it! Then I realized something

"Dad, how can they fit this building in Pennsylvania? It's so big! And what was that dome thingy? Can it fly?"

"Slow down," he said, "First, that dome was a particle barrier and the guarded entrance, so no unwanted visitors could come in. Second, we are underground."

He walked towards a room with a glowing door and gestured for me to come. As we walked in I looked for his boss. Usually in comics, the boss is tall and wears a dark suit, but no one was wearing a suit. I sat down next to my dad and some guy covered with matted hair who was only wearing a lion skin loincloth. I decided to call him Goliath

After what seemed like forever a young girl about my age walked into the room. She had dark skin and black hair. She wore a yellow knit shirt and black leggings. Her curly hair was in a cute afro ponytail. On her wrist was a spiked black cuff. She looked like a normal kid. I wondered what she was doing here. Was it bring your kid to work day?

Dad stood up and saluted so did everyone else. She walked towards me. I saw her eyes were a soft brown like hot coco mom would make when I was little. I closed my eyes thinking I would smell the cinnamon. Instead I felt my head smack against the table. She had me in an arm hold, I whimpered in pain.

"Who are you?" she asked in a soft yet threatening voice. My sight was getting blurry. She slammed my head against the back of the chair and repeated her question, "Who are you?"

"Please let him go boss, he's my son," I heard my dad say quietly. She ignored him and continued to stare at me.

"What is your name?" she hissed.

"You're pretty," I said. She let me go and I slid off the table. I fell unconscious as my head hit the ground

Sorry the chapters are soo short!

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