chapter 8: Caden

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A middle aged woman opened the door and gasped, "Teagan?"

Teagan nodded sadly. The woman embraced her and whispered, "We've missed you so much."

The woman pulled away and finally noticed me.

"This is Aaron my.. friend," Teagan said, noticing the woman's questioning look.

"I'm Ms. Beckett, it's very nice to meet you Aaron," she said sweetly, "Come in!"

When we first stepped into the house, my eyes fell on the painting that hung on the left wall. The painting showed a young boy sitting next to a toddler with a flower crown resting on her soft brown curls. Short steps led up to a second level, but we walked past them to the right, down a hallway with soft colored door at the end. Through the door we stepped in a kitchen that smelled like lilac and cinnamon. At the back wall a small stove lay snugly between counters. In the middle of the room a small, wooden table sat proudly showing off the freshly picked lilacs and daisies. Two colorful chairs were placed neatly on opposite sides of the table. A small screen door on the right side of the room took us to a small living room with the softest carpet I had ever felt. A green, two cushioned couch sat against the back wall next to a small fireplace that was burning brightly. Opposite the couch was a dark, wooden table covered neatly with picture frames and a single flower vase. I took a seat next to Teagan on the cushy couch.

"Lila!" Ms. Beckett called. Soon a little girl with light brown hair bounced into the room. She was definitely the girl in the painting, but where was the boy? When she saw Teagan her expression turned into a ginormous smile.

"Teagan!" She exclaimed.

"Come here smallie!" Teagan laughed, opening her arms, "How's my partner in crime?"

"Good," the little girl said, playing with one of Teagan's braids, "Why'd you stop coming over? I was sad."

"I was really busy. I'm super sorry," Teagan said, making an exaggerated frowny face.

Then, the little girl turned her head to me. She was almost an exact copy of her mom. They had the same light brown hair, tan skin, round face, and warm smile. But her eyes, her eyes were a soft golden, unlike her mom's jade green ones.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Aaron," I replied politely.

"I'm Lila," she stated matter of factly.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Lila asked, turning back to Teagan.

I nearly choked on the water I was drinking. I looked over and saw Teagan's flushed face. She noticed I was looking at her, and she quickly turned her eyes to the fluffy carpet.

"Well...umm," Teagan stammered before Ms. Beckett cut in.

"Aaron do you want to call your dad just to let him know you're ok?"

"Uh, yeah," I patted my vest pockets and pulled out a shattered phone. A bullet had lodged itself almost all the way through my phone., just pushing into my skin.

"Could I borrow your phone?" I asked Ms. Beckett.

"Of course," she said not taking her eyes off the bullet poking through the back of my phone. She handed me her phone and I walked into the kitchen. As I was closing the door I heard, "So is he your boyfriend?"

"Hey, dad"

"Aaron! Thank God you're ok."

"Yeah, I'm not hurt; I got out fine. Are you safe?"

"Just a shot to the arm but it's nothing that I can't handle," Dad said.

"It's all my fault! I froze. I didn't stop them," I cried.

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