Chapter 14: The end?

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I woke up with a bright light shinning directly in my face.

'Is this heaven?' I thought 'Am I dead?'

I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through my chest, knocking me back down.

Nope, definitely not dead. This was almost worst than death. I couldn't move without sending excruciating pain to my entire body.

I lay back down, defeated, as the memories slowly seeped back to me.

My mind burned with the vision of someones lifeless eyes. Nothing else came back.

Where was I? More importantly who was the person whose death kept repaying in my head?

The last thing I remember was some girl knocking me out. That girl- she kept appering in my thoughts. Who was she and why was she everywhere in my mind. That's when she walked in.

Her dark hair was shaped in a buzz cut. She wore an orange flannel and black tank-top

The second she saw me, her eyes watered and she ran to sit by me.

"A-aaron, your awake!" She smiled, tears streaming down her face.


I didn't know who she was but I knew those chocolate eyes. They were so familiar and warm.

"Wait, d-do you r-remember me or-" her soft voice cut off

I shook my head, sadly.

I could tell this broke her heart. And whoever she was, seeing her upset killed me. I hit my head trying to remember. Nothing.

"WHY CAN'T I DO THIS!" I yelled, ripping at my hair

She grabbed my wrists, stopping me from potentially hurting myself.

"Aaron, look at me," her voice was soft and comforting.

I slowly lifted my head to face her. She wiped away a tear from under my red eyes.

"I-i need to remember you."

"It's ok, you will soon enough," she smiled through her tears.

"I'm so stupid if I can forget you in a day" I sighed, slightly calmed down.

At this she went silent.

"Wha-what's wrong?" I asked, worried I did something wrong.

"I-it's been a little more than a day.."

"H-how l-long?"

"Aaron, you've been gone for two years."



So yes, I am not dead, and neither is Aaron! yayyy

.....but of course there is the catch, hehehe

This is the end of this book, but I have decided to make a sequel! This was not my og idea but seeing as timing would not work out with a lot of stuff, I'm gonna leave us on this happy little cliff-hanger for rn, but the next book will start soon and take place right where we left off!

Thanks so much if you've stuck with me this far!

Love y'all,

ALG <3

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