Chapter 10: Captured

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Here I sit, defeated. I stare at the moving, dark walls, tormented by my memories. I try to sleep away the pain but all I see when I close mt eyes is Teagan being impaled. Over and over. Her scream plays in my head on repeat. Dad, seeing him trapped and bleeding to death, tears apart my mind. Suddenly light seeps into my shadow prison and a tall man walks in.

"So are you going to talk, or are we doing this the hard way?" Boogie Man asked.

I said nothing and stared at where I thought his eyes were. He was wearing a dark hood which shadowed his face so I couldn't really tell. He sighed. I braced myself for pain, but none came. He sat down and pushed a small, metallic disk in between us. As he touched it, a newscast was projected above it, just like when I saw him murder Caden.

"What's this?" I mumbled, breaking my silence.

Boogie Man stayed quiet and starred at the screen.

"Now, an interview with Ms. Linnea Carter!" The announcer''s voice exclaimed. My mom's kind face appeared on the screen. As I looked closer, I saw that her face was covered with bruises that someone had tried to hide with makeup.

'Who would do that to her?' I thought to myself.

"As you know, Ms Carter, your son, Aaron is currently facing a life sentence in jail for murder and evading arrest. Has Arron always been this violent?" The interviewer asked her.

"No! He has never been violent or rash. I didn't even know he was one of the gifted until I watched the news last night. There is no way it could be Aaron, he must have been.........." Mom's voice trailed off as looked at someone off screen. "With the evidence we have, Aaron's sentence is what's best to keep the people safe. Anyone who has seen Aaron must contact authorities immediately."

"Are you siding against your son, Ms Carter? The interviewer gasped.

"Yes I am, Carlos," She paused and starred at the camera. "Aaron, if you're watching this, please turn yourself in. It will be so much easier if I know that you are safe." She stopped talking but she mouthed the last word. 'Run.'

The camera crashed down right before it cut off.

"What are they doing to her!" I yelled at Boogie Man.

He kept his silence and walked out of my prison.

I held my head in my hands, trying to process everything that just happened. The newscast had said it was Sunday. Normally my mom and I would be at church, not trapped and being tortured. 

I knew the routine, Boogie Man would come in every hour to beat me up because I wouldn't tell him where the CLAW base was. 

But this......this had been much worse. 

Minutes passed as I watched the door, waiting for Boogie Man. Hours past but he never came. I yelled at him, but I couldn't even hear my own voice.

Suddenly a hole of light shone through the darkness. I watched in awe as Ray climbed through, quickly followed by Zola.  

"Aaron!" Zola exclaimed, pulling me up from the ground. "Thank God we found you,"

"It's nice to see you again," Ray nodded. "I'll go get Teagan."

Ray walked out, leaving me and Zola behind.

"How did you guys find me?" 

"Teagan and your dad got back to base a few hours ago . Both were badly injured, but Teagan  wouldn't rest until you were safe," Zola sighed. "I was able to track down Boogie Man because we share the same powers." 

"What are your powers?" I asked, realizing I had never really gotten to know Zola.

 "I can control darkness, but I choose to use it in a much different way than he does," She responded gesturing to my shadow prison.  

She touched the nearest wall, and I watched in awe as the pitch black walls shone like the night sky and dissolved into thin air. 

"I used to think my power was one of death and destruction ,until Ray reminded me that, you can only see the stars in the darkness."

"So, does Ray control light?" I questioned, still amazed by the three-eyed girls power. 

She nodded as we walked past dozens of other shadow domes. 

"How many others are there," I gasped, looking across the sea of darkness?

"No others. The rest are decoys," Zola responded, tapping the nearest dome. 

As the shadow faded, I saw Teagan on the other side. She was standing over Boogie Man, who was dead on the floor. She looked up, smiling. Her eyes black as coal.

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