Chapter 4: Missions

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I still don't know why I said I would join. Oh, wait. Yes, I do. Cause the only other choice was A PAINFUL DEATH! I thought as I tried to find my way through the acres of hallways.

"Hurry up," said the girl "I thought you could fly."

"Not fly," I said smugly, "control wind."

"Whatever," she scoffed, "we're here."

The room was large and metallic. The second we walked in, the lights went off and a booming voice filled the room.

"Training session level 1."

"Already? I thought I might at least have a get- to -know-you session or orientation first!" I complained.

"Nope," She smiled.

At that, I knew it would be a long day.

Training session one! That was the most exercise I've ever done! Classified, as I now called the evil demon of death that was the girl, left the room. Suddenly, a knife whizzed past my head and the brightest lights I'd ever seen flashed on. In front of me stood a towering robot. Metal head went for my legs, but I jumped. Next it started chasing me. I ran across the room and saw a series of poles sticking out of the wall in a stair formation. I jumped up and barely grabbed the first pole. Struggling, I pulled myself up, looking like a dying sloth, according to Classified. Misjudging the distance, I jumped to the next pole and WHAM-O! It hit me square in the gut. All my air was knocked out of me. Somehow, I was able to pull out of the robot's reach just as it tried to grab me. It powered down and the voice boomed, "Training session ended."

"How'd I do?" I asked, still breathless and dripping with sweat.

"Horribly," She said looking confused, "Have you ever actually done anything moving related in your life?"

"I've walked from my room to the couch downstairs," I said proudly, "Let's just say I'm in no way physically gifted. In middle school I was the only kid who had to sit out during sports. Even Carl Jacobs, the kid with crutches, could play dodge ball! The coach was scared I'd get hurt again."


"The first day of 6th grade, I was playing kickball when I jumped for the ball but missed. I landed on my back. I heard something crack. Next thing I knew, I felt like my back was on fire! Apparently, my spine had twisted. Miraculously, I was healed a week later. Everything is fine but I was never allowed to play sports again."

"Besides, look at me!" I said laughing, "I'm skin and bone! Do I look like someone who can do a pull up?"

"You look," she said cracking her knuckles "like someone who needs to try harder."

I gulped.

 We walked back into the meeting room. As we stepped in, everyone stood up. My dad was sitting next to the machete guy and a woman with bright pink hair and stunning blue eyes. Classified nodded and everyone sat down. I took a chair in the back corner. A girl in her early twenties was next to me. Her skin was a dark bluish purple speckled with white, like a galaxy. She turned to look at me . I saw she had a third eye. I jumped a little and she laughed.

"You must be new," she said sweetly.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Listen up," said Classified, "We heard from our spy that there is a plot to take out both the ambassadors from Czech republic and France. In two weeks, they are both coming to Washington DC for the 50th goodwill Gala at the Smithsonian. We need four people to attend the gala and keep an eye on the ambassadors, and I want a group of ten to pose as security and jump in if needed." She pulled out a list of papers and read, "The security group will be Goliath, Zonko, Crimson, Sonesta, Doctor shadow, The Skeleton, The Elephant, Madd Hatter, Flower Child and Glaze. Zola and Ray will be two of the four to be in the gala." 

I saw the three eyed girl and the person with flaming hair high five. 

"Arron and I will join them. Now get to work," Classified stated.

 The group of ten including my dad and the two people next to him went into a room off to the side of the meeting place. I ran over to Classified.

"Why did you choose me?" I asked.

"Because you and I won't be recognized." she said, "I've never been on a field mission, even after five years of this, so we could most likely get in."

"What about Zola and Ray? They would stick out like a sore thumb!" I added.

"They can shape shift." she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Now come on, you need to train, like a lot."

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