chapter 7: Saved

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 The next few moments are a blur. Someone grabs my hand. I hear a yelp of pain. People are screaming. I hear fighting. Pain strikes in my lower rib. My dad yells something about running. The last thing I see before pushing through the heavy doors is Rainer De La Fontaine's lifeless body lying face up on the stage, staring at me with unblinking eyes. Then I'm on the roof of an apartment building. She hugs me.

"I killed us all," She whispers in my ear

"What do you mean?" I ask

Classified let go of me and stares at me. Her dark eyes are filled with fear.

"I didn't let you die. After the smoke cleared everyone thought you killed Rainier. I was supposed to leave you, but suddenly I couldn't imagine life without you," she said, wrapping my bleeding side in a bandage.

I start to speak but she cuts me off.

"Everyone else always ends up paying the price when I slip up."

"It will be ok."

"No it won't Aaron! I practically killed four innocent people to get you out of there."

"I guess you should have left me."

"That guilt would have been even worse."

That's when she kissed me. Suddenly I forgot about Rainier choking to death and the hole in my hip. I forgot that we both are running for our lives. All that is, all that matters, is me and her, safe in each other's arms. We are far from any harm when we are together, fear has vanished and is replaced by love. I realized there is nothing I would not do to save her.

When we finally break apart I ask, "Now can I know your name?"

"Teagan," she laughed


"Yeah only Zola and Ray really knew.  As an intimidating boss you aren't on first name basis with many people."

"How long have you been by yourself?"

"My parents died on a mission when I was eleven. Enough people thought I was mature enough to take on their legacy of running CLAW, so I've been doing it for five years."

"Did your parents have powers?"

"Yeah, chronokinesis and terrakinesis."

"How come you don't have a power if both your parents had such strong gifts?"

"Some people would say I have a gift but it's more like a curse."

"Could I ask what?"

"Limited immortality."

"That's cool! Why would you say it's a curse?"

"It's limited immortality. I can't die but I still age and any pain I have is ten times worse since I cannot die from it. Even a paper cut feels like I got stabbed. I was there when my parents died and when my best friend was sentenced to death. Everyone I know and love will die before me and somehow I've always been there to watch."

"I'm so sorry, I know there is nothing I can do to help, but I'll still try."

"Thanks." After a few seconds of silence she says, "You asked me questions so now it's my turn."

"Ok, what do you want to know?"

"I already know a lot about you so, what's your favorite color?"

"Hmm, that's pretty deep but, I'd say blue, like the clear sky. What's yours?"

"Yellow," she said, smoothing out her skirt, "I guess the next question is where do we go?"


As we headed to a safe house where we could be brought back to base, I asked the question that had been plaguing my mind, "who do you think killed Rainier?"

"As you know, there are other people with gifts. Some think they are superior and that we should rule over the ungifted. Others abuse their gift in a different way by stealing or as we saw, assassination."

"You think it was one of the gifted?"

"Yes, you said you heard air being sucked out of his lungs, so obviously someone with your powers had to have killed Rainier. The question is, how they knew what your gift was. There is no way it was a coincidence that as soon as we find someone who has air powers and an air power villain comes out of nowhere," she whispered as we turned through a maze of buildings.

"That is strange. But did you say villain?"

"Uh, yeah, a villain killed Rainier." She stared at me like I was insane. "Why is that surprising?"

"We are the bad guys, I thought at least? I'm not sure anymore since we were trying to stop an assassination, not cause one. It's all confusing, all my life I was told my dad was one of the bad guys and that I should be ashamed," I said, kicking a rock between my feet.

 She stopped walking and stared at me "Y-you thought we-I was a villain?" 

"Yeah, I mean CLAW is known one of the biggest villain threats to society. President Ellis even made that speech about if anyone could tell secrets about CLAW, like where the base is and stuff, they would get an award of honor. I thought you would have known."

I pulled at her hand to get her walking again but she wouldn't move. Her brown eyes pierced into my soul and saw a glimpse of pain before she looked away and said. 

"Well, I thought you didn't see me as a monster."

"I don't, Teagan!  I never have!"

"I always knew the basically everyone hated me and was blind to the fact the world would have ended without CLAW, but you? I thought you were different,"  she said ignoring me.

"I'm sorry, it's just.."

"Don't you get it? We're the good guys! We are the good guys, Aaron. Not everyone may like our methods but your dad has saved the world. We have never been the bad guys." She's practically yelling at me now. 

She stops walking. We stopped in front of a small house with a pastel colored door. Teagan knocks twice and the door creaks open. 

finally getting longer chapters!! Hope you like it!

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