Chapter 9: Sunsets and Shadows

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I can't believe what I just witnessed. I witnessed murder. How could Ms. Beckett say it was just a failed mission.

"Why didn't anyone help him?" I yelled.

"We weren't allowed to help," Teagan shot back. " He was charged with the death of my parents. As a punishment President Ellis forced Caden to challenge the man who killed them, alone. The shuttle will be here soon i think it's best if Aaron and I wait outside."

"As you wish." Mrs Beckett replied bitterly

"You're leaving already?" Lila moaned

"I'm sorry smallie," Teagan sighed, leaving all the bitterness behind. " but we have to get back to base. I promise I'll come back soon! "

"Alright, if you pinkey promise!" Lila chimed

Teagan ruffled the little girls light brown hair and locked fingers, then she picked her up and flew her to the door. I saw Lila wave at us as we walked down the small path away from the colorful house. I snatched a buttercup from one of the last flower bushes along the stone path and stuffed it in my pocket.

As soon as we got to the street, Teagan sighed a breath of relief. She seemed on the verge of a mental break down but she held her head high and proud. She said nothing but grabbed my hand and turned to me. Her eyes now soft and warm instead of the stone cold glare i had seen moments before. Looking at her in the yellow dress, I saw she was still as beautiful as ever..........

The yellow dress.

I had been so caught up in Caden's death that I had forgotten why we were even at a safe house in the beginning. Suddenly it all came back to me. Running from the gala, Rainier's death, and the mission that failed because of me. Then something clicked.

"If your family was portrayed as villains, why did President Ellis order such a heavy sentence for their deaths? Wouldn't he be thrilled? " I asked.

"That I'm not sure of, but I always thought it was to get more than two 'villains' eliminated, but when I saw 'heroes' at the gala i'm starting to think there is a larger enemy than just assassins at the moment." Teagan responded slowly.

A small car pulled up and rolled down the driver side window.

"Need a lift?" my dad laughed

I was so happy to see him again. He had a beat up lip but he was smiling more than i had seen him all week. I actually had been so busy with training that I had only had dinner to spend with my dad. What day was it anyway? I had gone with my dad on Monday so today would be Friday or Saturday.

We climbed into the car and started to drive back to the base. At first we informed Dad about our side of the mission but after a few minuets we were all caught up.

I looked out the car window and saw the most brilliant sunset ever. I nudged Teagan awake.

"What?" she grumbled, waking up from her nap.

"Look!" I whispered

She turned towards the window and gazed at the red and yellow clouds spreading across the sky. The further up we looked the lighter the sky got. It changed from red to yellow to pink and orange until it finally got to light blue.

"Wow!" She sighed, "That's the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while."

"You obviously haven't looked in a mirror then." I smiled turning to look at her. She laughed and looked me in the eyes.

"If I had to relive my decision at the gala forever, I'd choose to save you every time."

"Really?" I asked, trying to hide my smile.

"Now until the world ends " She lifted my face and I saw that gorgeous smile that so rarely appeared. Slowly she pulled me towards her into our second kiss.

Again everything was perfect, there was no hate or war only me and her. Once we broke apart I pulled the slightly crushed flower out of my pocket and placed it in her slender hand. She carefully planted it in her dark,braided hair and smiled as she grabbed my hand.

I would do anything to keep her safe.

"Sooooooooo," Dad chuckled.

I jumped in my seat. I had forgotten he was the one driving the car. I hid my red face in my silky jacket. Teagan laughed and shook her head.

"Top secret information" She told my dad, becoming serious again.

"Yes, boss." Dad replied, still laughing.

Everything was perfect.

Suddenly black clouds started to cover the sun, like hands crushing it and blocking I all the light from view. The car skidded off the road into a cluster of trees. My window shattered, sending shards of glass at me. I looked around but all that could be seen was darkness. I couldn't even see my hand an inch away from my face.

"Teagan! Dad!" I called out trying to find them.

"We're both here, Aaron." Dad responded.

"What happened to the sun?" I asked, panicking.

"The Boogie Man." Teagan responded, her voice full of fear.

"That guy is just a story isn't he?" I questioned.

"Not the myth. The Boogie Man is the villain who killed Caden." She answered.

I just heard of this guy, I did not want to meet him.

Footsteps echoed around uses getting louder until the car flipped. Laughing filled the air. The same laugh that killed Caden. Finally I freed myself from the car. As soon as I stood up a sharp blast hit me in the side. I fell to the ground and tried to crawl away. a force lifted me up and slammed me into the car. I could only pray that My Dad and Teagan were safe.

"This is no fun," Boogie Man teased. "how can I consider this a victory if you can't even fight back?

Just enough light to see a few feet ahead appeared.

"That's better isn't it?" He purred stepping in front of me.

I sent a sharp rush of air which seemed to catch him off guard. Before he could recover his footing i slammed him to the ground and forced gravity down on him, keeping him pinned to the ground. Teagan and Dad ran to my aide as Boogie man started to push against my force. Before we could do anything he broke the force tying him down. He charged at my dad sending one of his shadow spikes through his leg. Dad grimaced in pain but kept his ground against Boogie Man. Teagan and I charged at him but she reached him first. She distracted him from my dad as I ran to his side. I bandaged his leg as fast as I could. I looked over at Teagan and saw her blocking his shadow weapon with her bow staff. She was holding strong until a spike of darkness tore through her stomach. I watched as her body stumbled then fell as Boogie Man pushed her head away with his foot. Immediately I ran, almost flying, towards him. I threw punch after punch at him but the slicing air didn't effect him. He grabbed my arm. pain filled my body as i saw where he touched my skin sear and turn black. The pain was blinding but still i tried to get a way from his grip. I looked for my dad but he was tied down by the deadly shadows. I was losing conciseness yet still I fought the losing battle. finally i blacked out as Boogie man dragged my limp,bleeding body into the darkness. The last thing I was a tear sliding down Teagan's bloodied face.

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