Meeting the Girlfriend

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Tae's POV:

"Ugh my head hurts, and where am I?"

I held my head, as the light hit my face. I slowly started to rub my eyes. I looked beside me and saw a small girl, laying down on a soft pillow. I got up quietly and headed towards ht bathroom in my room. Still not knowing where I am and how I got here.

"Shoot, did Jungkook take me to his house. Did I really faint on him, geez that embarrassing." I sighed as I recalled the memories that happen yesterday. I can't believe I let him see me cry, he was the first person I open to about this, and somehow I felt very safe by his side, like I could tell him anything.


I jumped back as I heard a familiar voice, "Geez Jungkook you scared me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too. Well I think you might know what happen, but I made some breakfast and I put some of my clothes on the bed. If you want to change, I will be taking Soo downstairs to eat. I'll see you once your done."

I just nodded and quickly got ready. Jungkook's clothes are a little big for me, even though he is quite a bit taller than me, which I didn't mind. So far he seemed really sweet.

Third Person's POV:

"Eomma!" Soo yelled running towards the blonde boy.

"Baby! I missed you, what are we having for breakfast?" Tae asked trying to sound polite.

"Just the original, eggs, bacon, you know. I'm almost done about five more minutes."

Tae sat Soo on his lap as he sat in a chair. They talked for a while, and sometimes giggled at how focus Jungkook looked. They smiled as Junkook brought two plates filled with food. Both dug in and stuffed there faces with food, Jungkook laughing at them and smiled.

"Soo you need to say thank you to Mr.Jungkookie." Tae said giggling at the nick name.

"Thank you Mr.Kookie. It was delicious!"

"Your very welcome, both of you."

"Soo you need to go get ready, brush your teeth and comb your hair, Jungkook a has some supplies in the bathroom." Tae whispered in his ear.

Soo nodded and walked up the stairs leaving the two boys alone in the living room."Thanks again Jungkook, and I'm sorry you had to see me all broken down yesterday."

"It's no problem Tae, serious it fine. I just want to make sure your ok."

Tae nodded and Jungkook turned on the TV they soon ended up cuddling together watch a funny movie with Soo in the middle. They both seemed really comfortable, and didn't mind being close to each other. Tae eventually leaned his head on Jungkook should getting ready to fall asleep when the door opened.

"What the fuck is going on here!"

Tae's POV:

I flinched once I heard the person yelled, and quickly pushed away from Jungkook. Soo looked confused, and Jungkook just rolled his eyes and quickly got up to see the mystery person.

"Hello to you to Lisa." Jungkook said waking towards the girl and giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"Soo why don't you go upstairs and take my phone." I whispered and handed my phone.

Soo quickly giggled, and walked up the stairs disappearing from my sight range. I turned back and looked back at the conversation. They seemed to whisper, and the girl kept looking back and him, then to me. With a little hint of jealously in her eyes.

"Hey, who are you, and why are you cuddling with my boyfriend." She spoke walking straight up to me.

"Boyfriend? I'm sorry I didn't-"

"Just answer the damn question!" She yelled.

"U-uh well then, I'm Kim Taehyung, and I didn't mean to cuddle with your boyfriend-"

"Have I heard of you before?"

"Uh Lisa this is Kim Taehyung the famous pianist, and he is a really great one too. He is know for wining all those competitions as a kid!" Jungkook suddenly chirped in.

A blush quickly rose to my cheeks, and I started to fiddle with my fingers. Everything got quiet and I didn't dare to look the girl in the eyes again, she scared me.

Lisa's POV:

Who the fuck does this "Kim Taehyung" kid think he is, cuddling with my boyfriend. I got an idea, I know he quiet so I'm going to bring that up.

"Hey you, look at me while I speak."

"Lisa let be-"

"If your so good at piano than play us something, we have a piano is the other living area."

"I don't think I can, Ms. I quiet a few years ago and-"

"Sounds like your not that good after all." I smirked hitting that weak spot.

"Lisa that's enough!" Jungkook yelled.

Jungkook's POV:

I had to barge in, I couldn't let Lisa tear him up. I saw Tae's face getting a little darker, and he put a fake smile on.

"I'm sorry Ms. I already quiet the piano and I certainly won't be picking it up either."

"Can you even play on note, or like twinkle twinkle little star. Cause I can at least do that!" Lisa boasted.

"Ma'am I think you have no say of what I can and can't play in the piano, but if you wish for my to play I will."

"What! Tae you can't do that, you told me you hate it."

I yelled and he looked over and gave me a reassuring smile. Well all headed towards the piano room, even Soo decided to come to. I watch as Tae lightly picked her up and kissed her cheek, she seemed excited to hear Tae play again. I guest we all are, I wish I knew sooner that all of this will soon be exposed by a certain person taking a video.

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