Did You Hear the News?

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No One's POV:

"Soo, are you ready for school? We have to leave in five minutes."

"Eomma I'm putting on my shoes, one second."

Taehyung waited in the living room tapping his foot against the hard floor, checking his watch once a while. Making sure there not late. He didn't get much sleep last night, do to the events that happen earlier that day. His mind kept going back, he was so close, yet he couldn't do it.

Why am I so stupid?

You knew you couldn't do it.

Damn it Tae, making a mess again, all cause of the piano.

"Eomma let's go, we are going to be late. Plus I miss Mr.Kookie too!"

"Ok let's go!" Tae pushed away the thoughts, as we headed towards the car.

Tae turned up the music slightly to make it seem like he wasn't thinking. The same thing replayed stopping, and then started again. He sighed and pulled up towards the school checking the mirror to make sure his make up is still on. He didn't want anyone to know that he was crying. He didn't want anyone concerned, not like anyone would in the first place.

"Eomma let's go!"

"Soo, clam down your a little early so no rush. Plus I need to speak to Mr.Jungkookie too."

Tae grabbed Soo's hand and headed towards the building, trying to keep his head tall. People stared as he went by. I mean who wouldn't, he was a famous pianist after all, but he thought people would forget about him now. I guess he was wrong.



Both ran in slow motion, making Tae feel a little better about today. He hugged, and Jungkook pulled Soo up and sung her around. She giggled and hugged Jungkook. Her eyes sparkled everything she was around him. She never did that when we were around him.

"Tae good to see you again!" He smiled and whispered in Soo's ear making her giggle and run to the other class mates.

"You too Jungkookie!" Tae giggled and smiled.

"Hey you don't need to pretend around me, you can let your true feeling show."

"W-What are you talking about, I'm fine, never been better!"

"Tae we both know that's a lie!"


"It's okay, and I wanted to say sorry about yesterday, Lisa can be a little bit of a bitch."

"Jungkook no cursing there are kids around!" He smacked Jungkooks shoulder carefully, but still hard enough for him to feel it.

"Okay, Okay. I have to go, class is about to start but here's my number!" Jungkook winked and ran off laughing as he saw the brunettes flustered face. "Don't worry I already broken up with Lisa!"

Tae's POV:

Damn it Jungkook why did you have to do that, now I'm blushing!

I sighed, and walked away from the school house, trying to hide my blush and excitement at the same time. He already made me blush and we have only, be friends for a while. He such a bitch! Gosh! If people saw me with him, the media would flip. Wait I take that back, no one will care now I'm not famous anymore!

Suddenly my phone started to go off, I look at the caller and it said Jimin.


"Tae we need to talk ASAP! Meet me at the coffee house by your house, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."


He cut the line, how dare he. He just left me hanging there, not giving me any idea what so ever! Oh well, let's see what this bitch is talking about.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Chim, I'm here what's up?"

"You really haven't seen it?" He asked slowly pulling out his phone.

"Seen what?"

I froze when I saw what was on that screen, it was me playing the piano at Jungkook's house

No one's POV:

"Jimin! Where did you find this! How did you find this!" Tae screamed causing people to look at him ,but he didn't care he started to pull his hair out in frustration. Anger quickly taking over, but he soon felt sadness taking over too.

"Tae calm down, this isn't the end of the world."

"End of the world! This is more than that! I just proved to people that I can still play piano!" He screamed, running out of the building, Jimin quickly following him.

"Tae stop running, it's ok, it's no like every- uh never mind."

Jimin quickly put the phone away and ran towards his best friend, pulling him into a hug. And dragged him to a bench.

"Tae how did this even happen?"

"Jimin, tell me who posted it I need to know now!" Anger spilled out of Tae.

"Uh well the name said Lisa. Yeah Lisa."

"That bitch! She going- I can't believe I let this happen, I'm going home will you take Soo today, I need a bit of time to myself."

Tae quickly got up, and ran towards the car, looking at the clock, Soo is almost going to get out. He was about to pull out, but his phone suddenly rung.

Caller: Jungkookie

Jungkook's POV:

Come on pick up please!

"H-hello Jungkookie?!"

"Taehyung, are you crying." I heard him sniffle and he stood quiet for a second.

"You know I can't keep anything from you, Jungkookie. Can you come over I need to someone to talk too, someone who will listen. Please!"

"I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone, and quickly ran to my car.

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