Play me a song? & Breaking News!

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(Not edited)

Tae's POV:

My eyes slowly started to open, but I quickly closed them again, due to the bright light. I yawned, and snuggled into my "pillow". But something felt off about my pillow, it was a little hard, and it was really warm too.

"Did you have a good nap baby?"

My eyes widen and I quickly pulled, away and looked at the situation we were in right now. I was sitting on his lap, laying my head on his chest. Blush quickly covered my face, as I felt it get hot. A chuckle came from the raven haired friend.

"Baby calm down, I didn't mind that you slept on me. And used me as a pillow." I saw him smile softly.

"I'm sorry Koo, I didn't mean to sleep on you? What time is it?"

"Like I aside baby, I didn't mind. It's now almost 7:00, you slept for a good thirty minutes." He stroked my hair and I put my head back in his chest, embracing the warmth.

"Come baby let's go to the piano room, I want you to teach me, please!"

I looked up shocked, he wanted me to teach him how to play, but I'm not even that good. I slowly nodded my head, as I thought what was the worst thing that could happen. I quickly got off and grabbed his hand, running to the piano room.

"Baby calm down no need to run."

I looked back and saw him laughing, I quickly shared him a boxy smile, and ran to the piano. The black lid that had been closed forever would now be opened. My biggest fear, was about to happen, but I didn't mind now since Jungkookie was here, and I could be myself around him. I sat down on the bench, and pulled him to it, making him laugh, and causing me to laugh too.

"Okay Koo ready! We need to first learn the not names and where they are!"

"Okay baby, whatever you say."

30 minutes later!

"Koo you can play twinkle twinkle little star!" I clapped my hands as he finished the song.

He wore a proud face, looking at me then a the key, then back at me.

"I did didn't I!"

"My Koo is such a last learner!"

"Hey tae." I hummed in response. "Will you play me a song, only if you feel comfortable of course."

I sadly smiled, and nodded my head, making his eyes sparkle with excitement. "One song."

Jungkook's POV:

This is the first time I had seen he smiled in a while, his beautiful boxy smile makes my heart race and makes my palms sweating.

"What do you want me to play?"

"Anything you like, it's your piece."

"Okay, do you want easy, or extreme difficult?" He said smirking at me.

"Do your worst!" I said challenging him.

"Ok fine, I'll play Moonlight Sonata third movement. This piece won me nationals at five years old."

(You guys should go and look it up it's a really good piano piece)

Tae cracked his fingers, and placed them on the piano. Taking a deep breath before he started. I watched his eyes, they looked full of determination. He just started and I was and ready in awe. How could somebody play this difficult of a song, at five! There's no way, he must have blew the crowd away with this piece. His fingers moved fast, repeating the chorus again. His hands moved down the keyboard at ease, smiling like he is actually enjoying himself. I smiled too.

"There that is one of the hardest piece I have ever played. What did you think." Tae whispered, and looked down, playing with his fingers.

"It was perfect." I said slowly bring his head up, making him look in my eyes. I slowly patted his head, and he just smiled.

"Come on let's go watch some TV now."

No one's POV:

They both sat on the couch, and cuddled like before, but Tae laying on his chest instead of hiding his face. They both smiled at each other's touch, leaning into each other. Jungkook turned the channel to the news, to see what has been up with the city lately.

It was normal, things like the weather forecast. They talked about an up coming storm. Tae's eyes grew in horror as he saw the storm was going to be next Friday, he really hated thunder storms, and lightning. He wiped the look off his face to make sure Jungkook didn't see, leaving a blank expression. Soon the news came up about a car crash, and saying that no one was hurt, but there was a drunk driver. There was a short break leaving the two to go get a snack, but nobody was prepared for what was going t I appear.

"Breaking News, the famous pianist Kim Taehyung, has been spotted playing the piano again."

Everything stood silent, and Tae clutched Jungkooks hand for support, his eyes started to fill with tears, once again.

"Does this mean he is playing piano again? Will we seem the amazing pianist that everyone is wondering about. Hopefully one day, he will answer our question. This is all for the news tonight, have a good night everyone, and we will see you guys tomorrow."

Everyone has been talking about Tae and if he is playing piano again. That's all you hear right now. The poor boy couldn't go one his phone without getting a text. He decided he was going to stay indoors until further notice.

"Come Tae you look tired, let's get you to bed."

"Are you going to leave!?" Tae asked making grabby hands towards the taller male. Making puppy eyes too.

"No Tae I'm going to sleep with you, so let's go to bed, yeah?"

Tae nodded, and Jungkook picked him up heading towards the room Tae pointed too. Once entry made it Jungkook carefully set Tae down on the bed, leaving the pouty boy.

"Koo you promised!"

"I'm coming baby one second."

Tae blushed at the name, and made grabby hands again. Jungkook slowly crawled in bed and got comfortable. Tae quickly attaching himself to Jungkook, nuzzling his face into his chest, and sighing with content. This made Jungkook smile and wrapped his hands around Tae tiny figure.

"Goodnight Koo!"

"Goodnight baby bear!"

Jungkook kissed his forehead and both slowly fell asleep.

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