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(A bit longer today & not edited)

Tae's POV:

Love....Love it's time to wake up. Come on love...

"Koo, five more minutes, plz."

"No baby it's 9:00 already."

I rubbed my eyes, and slowly opened them, quickly closing them due to the bright light. I snugged into Jungkook's chest hiding my face. He chuckled and brushed the hair out of my face, kissing my forehead before pulling away. "I'm going to go make breakfast love get ready, we are going out today."

My heat raced once he said love. That word, when he says it my heart flutters. Not even my old boyfriend made my heart flutter like that. I smiled at the thought, and ran to the bathroom.

"Koo, what are you making?"

Tae came behind the ravened hair wrapping his hands on his waist, his head only going to his shoulders.

"Babe, I'm making some chocolate chip pancakes, now please don't do that, I need to focus."

I just ingnored him, I liked the position we were in now, I stood on my tip toes so I could put my head in his shoulder. "Can you make me one with a smiley face and a beard? Or a bunny, or-"

"Babe calm down. I'll make a bunny okay?"

I giggled and he looked back smiling at me, his bunny smile. His smile makes my heart jump, I haven't felt this way in a while. Plus he made me play a full song yesterday, that made me know I was able to play again. I'm thinking about signing up for a new competition.

"Babe you need to let go now, the food in ready and you need to eat."

"Will you feed me." I asked pouting my lips, making puppy dog eyes. He chuckled and picked my up, bringing me to the couch.

"If you promise not to bite me, then I might be able to feed you."

I nodded quickly, to lazy to feed myself. His hand touched the fork, and cut of a piece of food, making a little sound. "Here comes the airplane!"

"I'm not a kid Koo, I don't need babying."

"Says the person who is making me feed them."

We laughed and continued to eat, flirting with each other a bit. Making both of smile and laugh, and sometimes blush. He makes my heart flutter every time we make eye contact. He really is a special bunny, more than a kindergarten teacher for me.

Jungkook's POV:

"Babe, stop laughing! I got the whip cream off my nose!" I whined holding his hand.

"I'm sorry Koo, it was just so cute, and funny! So I couldn't help but not laugh!" He giggled squeeing my hand.


"Aw, don't pout Kookie, it's okay, I thought it was cute!"

He cupped my face, nuzzling our noses together. I smiled and kissed his nose lightly. He giggled wand rested his head on my chest, embracing me.

"Babe, how about we go out today? You know there is a fair about 30 minutes away from here, we can go get Cotten candy and ride rides, just the two of us."

"That sounds nice Koo, but we need to get Soo around 10:30."

I hummed, and kissed his forehead, pulling away making him whine. "We have to go get ready, I'm going to go, I'll be back around 12:00."

"Fine, I'll be here until then, make it quick though I miss your warmth already."

I smiled and walked away, kissing his head again before I headed out the door, blowing a kiss. I smiled like an idiot, walking toward my car.

Tae's POV:

I ran to my closest getting excited for our "date". I l picked out an outfit, simple a plain t-shirt and ripped jeans. Once I was done I ran towards the piano room, might as well I have time. I sat down on the bench taking a deep breath and placing my hands on the key. My hands slowly gilded across the keys, my mind only focused on the music on the page, not noticing that someone entered the room. Now I was ready for this date, and I Jungkook was going to make is special.

"Winter wind, nice choice a babe."

"Shit, Jungkook you scared me!" I gasped as my hands stopped.

"Serious I'm happy that your playing now, are you going to sign up for the competition next spring?"

"I might, but I'm still a nervous wreck." I giggled scratching the back of my neck.

"Awe, Babe you are perfect, now let's go. I know you want some cotton candy."

I nodded grabbing his hand, running toward the car. Both of us smiley like dorks, and laughing too. We put some music on and both of us dang out of key, Jungkook driving with one hand and putting the other around my shoulder. As we came closer to the fair grounds, I could see lights flags, and rides going up in the air. The sun starting to lower, making a nice sunset appear.

"Koo, let's go! I want to ride all the rides!"

"Okay, baby slow down, we first have to buy our wrist bands. Plus no need to rush we have all the time in the world."


We had a great time, I was laughing at Koo yelling at the kid for beating him at a game, and begging him to go again. Gosh, he is competitive. There was this one ride, were it went upside down, and I made Jungkook hold my hand. I was squeezing it way to hard apparently that it left his hand red. Then we went to the alien ride that spins crazy fast. Jungkook was like spider man, and kept climbing on the walls, and sometimes turned upside down. Next, we went to go get some cotton candy. He bought me extra large one and forced me to share.

"Baby you have to share."

"Nooo, it's mine!" I said grabbing a handful of the sticky substance. "Plus why would I share with a bunny like you?"

"Maybe because this bunny bought you this cotton candy, please or no more sweets for the rest of the night."

"Your no fun here." I forced some in his mouth running away to the nearest tree, and hiding behind it.

"Babe, come back."

"You have to catch me first babe."

"Oh it's on!"

Jungkook POV:

I ran after the boy, he turned into a grassy field with just a few amount of people. This would allow a better chance of me catching him. Then he gave up and let me grab a hold of him, making my hands go around his waist. I lightly kissed his neck and laughed.

"Your such a baby you know that right."

"Yeah, but I'm your baby, right?"

"Of course, your only my baby."

We stared at each other, not paying attention to anything else. Enjoying this moment and grabbed his hand and ran him towards the Ferris wheel. We made it just in time. I grabbed his hand and let him get in first,

"Here is $20 make sure we stop at the top." I whispered and handed the guy a twenty making him nod.

"Koo, look at the lights! There so pretty!"

"Indeed." I said only looking at him instead.

We slowly stopped, and widened his eyes once we did. He seemed excited, and I lightly grabbed his hand pulling him closer to me. I looked at his face, then his lips, asking for permission. He nodded and I quickly leaned in. A soft kissed was shared between us, I smiled into the kiss once I found him kissing back.

"Kim Taehyung, I'm going to ask you this question now since I didn't earlier. Will you be by boyfriend?"

"Of course! I thought we already were! But yes I'd love to."

We smiled and once we got off the Ferris wheel we ran towards the car. I quickly kissed him, and started to drive to Jimin's house since we have to go pick up Soo. This really was the best day of my life, and I quickly kissed his hand before focusing on driving.

Gosh, I love him.

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