Only One Song & Breaking Up

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Tae's POV:

My hands started to shake as we got closer to the piano. We came across a not so fancy piano, it seem plain and Tae wasn't use to this. He was use to the big ones where you can see there strings in the back and having the top open a bit too. This piano was simple, and kept the keys hidden.

"What do you want me to play?" I asked trying to cal, down my nerves,

"Can you even play a note, we need to make sure you can first." The girl said putting her hands on her hips.

"Of course my Eomma can make a sound, anyone can." I smiled as I hear Soo backing me up, this gave my a little more confidence.

Then it stood silent, I put my hands on the keys relaxing and taking a deep breath, " I'll be playing Fur Elise by Beethoven."

"There's no way you can play that, you haven't played in three years, and you still remember that piece!" Lisa yelled throwing her arms up.

I just ignored her, and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Don't fail me now, or I swear...

My fingers pushed down to the keys, playing it like nothing happen. Everything seems good, just keep going. I did the part twice and moved onto a new section, letting my fingers go in muscle memory.

"Go Eomma!"

I smiled and let my fingers control, I started to focus more, but my mind started to drift somewhere else.

"Will you play that again baby, please."

"Good luck at your competition sweetheart."

"I love it when you play for me."

"You spend to much time on the piano, HANG OUT WITH ME!"

I tired to drown the words out, but they kept coming. His words, his smile, his hatred. I could do it, I couldn't play the song. My fingers stopped, everything got quiet. I kept my head down.

"I'm sorry, Soo we're leaving, thank you for everything Jungkook."

I quickly got up and picked Soo up, rushing out of the house not looking back, tears were forming. Quickly waiting for the cab to get here. Please hurry!

Jungkook's POV:

Why did he stop, he was doing great. I watch him run, I watch his eyes get watery, I watch Lisa smirking as he left. Anger started filling up my body.

"How could you! You made him do this, you made him leave!"

"So what, I'm always right. Plus he wasn't even that good, I thought you said he was good." Lisa sat down on the couch getting on her phone.

"That's it I hate your crappy attitude. You fucking bitch. I can't believe you!"

"Excuse me I'm your girlfriend!"

"No, your my ex-girlfriend now. Get out!"

I watch her eyes start to water, but soon hatred took over. She just got up and went to the door smirking again. "K, whatever I'll just go meet with my other boyfriend."

I heard the door slam, thinking this was all over, but no it's just the beginning for Tae's piano career.

Lisa's POV:

That bitch, causing me to break up with my boyfriend. Whatever I have something now. Good thing I took a small video, but I wish I filmed the whole thing cause then I could have everyone see him quit. Oh well this is enough proof, for now.

I smirked, posting the video. This is what you get Kim Taehyung, hope you like being in the spotlight again!

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