Chapter 13

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I didn't know what to call this chapter

Non edited

Taehyung played with the keys for the rest of the day. He kept playing the same piece over and over again, trying to ram everything in his head. The notes were like colors, they kept brightening his day every time he played. This brought happiness to his heart, he actually felt content with his actions right now. Everything seemed right, nothing out of place.

"Hello, Tae are you busy? We need to talk"

"Jimin, yeah sure come sit." Taehyung said patting the bench he is sitting on.

Jimin smiled, "I see your practice for the spring competition, how is it going?"

"It's going fine, I never realized that I missed the piano this much. I really am glad Jungkook signed me up."

"Jungkook huh." Jimin wiggled his eyebrows up and down to tease the younger boy.

"Stop... Anyways why are you hear?"

"Came to see if the rumors were true. People have been talking nonstop that they seen you sign up."


"Mhm, your trending on Twitter right now!"

Tae laughed at Jimin's remark. Though he didn't know why people were so interested on why he started playing again. So what if he was once a famous pianist and had everyone gasping at his looks. He may have made history and all but that was in the past, why would people want to see him now?

"Anyways Tae can I hear you play it?" Jimin asked showing his puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, but don't laugh I'm still a little rusty, and I just started to learn it a few hours ago."

Jimin watched in awe as Tae's hand moved across the keys. A beautiful sound came from the piano, filling the room. Tae's eyes roamed the pages of music notes, already knowing most of the song by memory. The song slowly came to a finish and Tae rested his arms at the last note smiling to himself.

"Wow Tae that's great, I think you are going to win for sure."

"Really, you think. I'm still unsure about this." Tae looked down rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah your good, hear I recorded some of it. Listen."

Tae sat quiet listening to his playing he felt disappointed in himself.

How can I play like that, my speed is off. My left hand is a little slower than my right, and my petal work is just horrible.

"That can't be me?! I never play like that. If I did I would have never placed or won any competitions."

"Tae is sounds good for your first day, calm down you still have two weeks until the competition. You'll get better in no time."

"I guess your right, well I have to go pick up Soo now, Jungkook has some paper work to do tonight so he will be home a little later thank usual. Feel free to stay if you want."

"K, I'll leave in a little bit."

Tae hummed and left to go get his car keys and left to go get Soo from school. He needed to clam down from what he heard on the recording. Sure he may have been over reacting a bit, but he has standards so high, it sometimes seems impossible to reach it.

The school came into view as Tae was about to turn the corner into the parking lot. As soon as he exited the car, a bunch of flashing light came flashing in his face.

"Kim Taehyung over here! Please answer our questions."

"No look over this way."


Tae ran through the crowd only trying to reach his daughter classroom. When he finally entered the school the flashes stopped. He was finally able to breath again, he wished people didn't know that he signed up. This would have never happen then. He ran to Jungkook's classroom trying to warn him about all the cameras.



"Tae? What's wrong!"

"People, outside, with big cameras. You have to take Soo home. I can't let her get hurt with them. Please be safe, I'll have them leave in a few minutes."

Jungkook felt worried, Tae could beget hurt, his love can get hurt or kidnapped or..? Jungkook paused when he felt a pair of lips on his lips, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'll see you at home. I want you to come listen to play my new song."

Jungkook smiled and nodded, giving Tae a quick peck on his forehead, then waving bye. He new Tae was going to be okay, and he was excited to hear him play too.

An hour part and both Jungkook and Tae made it home safe. They were now eating dinner and laughing like a real family. Everything clicked like it was meant to be. For once everyone was a peace, and everyone was happy.

Tae sat down on the piano having Jungkook and Soo right next to him ready to listen to him play. Jungkook placed Soo on his lap, wanting there to be enough space for Tae to play. Everything was quiet only the sound of Tae's playing could be heard. Soo slowly fell asleep and Jungkook got tired too. The song came to an end and Tae splayed his head on Jungkook's shoulder feeling tired to from the day. Jungkook carried both Tae and Soo, laying them both down on his bed, he changed real quick and soon layer down with them. Night time soon taking over.

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