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No one's POV

The ride home was silent, the radio playing in the background. Taehyung sat there looking out the window trying to process what happen, of course he is excited but really nervous to see the crowds reaction. Jungkook kept his eyes on the road, trying to figure out if Tae was mad at him or not. It was unusual for the boy to be quiet.

"Tae baby, are you mad at me?" The raven boy asked.

"No. Why would I be mad at you?"

"Well you are being quiet and it's scaring me."

"Oh Koo, I'm just think on what song I should do. So no need to be worried." Tae smiled and grabbed the younger hand.

Jungkook's worry left his eye and smiled at Tae. On there way back home, they stopped and got ice cream. They both enjoyed this little "date" but they needed to head back home, beacuase they promised Soo that they would have a movie night. Jungkook and Soo also had school tomorrow so they couldn't stay up too late.

"Mommy, Daddy your back!" A giggle filled the hallway as soon spas both boys entered the house.

"Soo, my baby!" Tae ran to his daughter missing her warmth.

Jungkook smiled, and joined the hug. "Me and Yoongi are on our way out, see you later Tae."

Tae nodded and continued to hug Jungkook and Soo. "Have you picked a movie yet Soo?"

"Mhm, Little Mermaid!"

Both Soo and Tae giggled running to the couch. Jungkook walked to the kitchen getting the popcorn ready and getting the drink too. When Jk came back he found an adorable blanket fort made in his room, with the others snuggled in the middle waiting for him. Jungkook dropped the snacks by the computer, and ran into Taehyung, snuggling his head on his chest, enjoying the scent he provided. "Ow, Koo that hurt. Bad Koo, bad!"

"I'm sorry, your chest one of the most comfortable places, I couldn't help it."

"You Shush and start the movie."

Jungkook nodded and clicked the play button. The music started to fill the room and Soo and Tae both watch the screen intensely not wanting to miss a moment. Jungkook on the other hand, was just watching Tae. His beautiful honey toned skin, and his little mole right under his eye just stood out to him. Slowly as the movie was almost over he heard snoring. Both Tae and Soo had fallen asleep. He sighed and turned off the movie. Grabbing extra blanket and blankets, setting an alarm for tomorrow. When he came back he wrapped his arms around Tae's waist and pulled the male closer to him.

Next day

Taehyung woke up with warmth coming from the back of his body. He looked down and saw two hands wrapped around his stomach, along with Soo sprawled out on the bed. Tae look at the clock he had in his night stand and saw that the two others had around 30 more minutes to sleep. He slowly got up and kissed Jungkook's head, while stroking his hair. Tip toeing out of the room to go make some breakfast, and packs their lunches.

About an half an hour passed and Tae was done making there breakfast, a simple pancakes and bacon would do the trick. Foot steps could be heard coming down from the hall, he smiled when he saw an already dressed Jungkook with an already dressed Soo too.

"Looks like someone woke up early." Jungkook teased sitting down next to Soo, wait to be served.

"Your lucky Mr.Jungkook because I'm going to be making your lunch too."

"Mommy, this is really good!"

"Thanks Soo."

They all talked and giggled while Tae was making their lunch sneaking a piece of a brownie in each as a surprise. Time soon came when Jungkook and Soo had to leave. Jungkook kissed Tae's forehead, and headed out the door followed by an excited Soo. He sighed and closed the door, already wanting to go back to sleep. He knew he couldn't and should probably start practicing for the piano competition in spring.

"Why did Jk have to sign me up." He though rubbing his head and walking to the piano.

When he went to the piano it almost felt right to start playing again, the keys under his finger. He almost missed the way the crowd cheered once he was done. Though he didn't miss all the negative things, he did miss the fans and how they always cared for his music rather than his face. Even though that was some of the reasons they liked him. Tae looked through the music pages he had on previous songs he had learned. Some stood out like "Winter Wind" and "Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement". He wanted to try out something new, so he decided on the piece.

Etude Op. 10 No. 4. (Check out the piece it's really cool)

This piece was perfect to show that he was back, sure this piece is usually used for finals or semi finals, but why not take the audience by surprise. He didn't want people to think that he lost his touch on the piano. So that's the piece he chose. It was too hard, nor to easy. He played this song when he was 8 so it wasn't a big deal.

Taehyung sat the the bench opening the lid of the piano, ready to start practicing. He wants to know the peace by memory, to even make the judges even more shock. His fingers glided over the piano playing the piece like it was no different from last time. Playing it exactly how it was written, of course he wanted to play freely, but he never was taught that way. All he knew was how to play it exactly how it was written, he never minded it though, it was fun to him. Sometimes Tae would play famous pieces his way, and to him it sounded better than the original. This is the types of songs he would play at concerts for his fans. They always enjoyed it.

His mind got lost with notes and keys, already almost mastering he song. It wasn't going to be long before the was going to play in front of a crowd again. He was excited to, almost wishing he completion was closer.

Not edited.

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