Chapter 16

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Mentions of Suicide +

The small brunette looked up at the ginger female watching her from the kitchen. It was a few days after the accident. The omega wasn't doing well with staying in her room all day and needed to get out. Still, the proper precautions were set up.

Natasha informed everyone that Kaylee was going to be heading to the kitchen within the hour and to no go into the living room between a certain time - for Kaylee's health. Only Natasha, Bruce, and Tony were allowed to be around the fragile omega still this biological ordeal was set aside.

Hearing what happened, Jane had stopped by in the aftermath and offered a perfume to mask the scent of heat whenever Kaylee would go out but it would only work for a short time.

This perfume is what Kaylee had on going into the elevator, into the kitchen.

"I just need a better meal," she told Natasha, smiling at her.

Natasha tried to smile back. She only saw pain and fear behind the mask. Kaylee's heat was causing her to be over dehydrated, not being able to consume enough water. She's been losing weight for an unknown time and the stress showed it in her sunken eyes.

At the ding of the microwave, Kaylee opened it, smelling the sweetness of the leftover Chinese the rest had the night before. She was only has a small bowl has she also hasn't been able to keep a lot down. Rice and chicken, she thought. At least they kept some.

Kaylee and Natasha sat at the small table, off the side of the biggest one. Almost two water bottles for the next hour was placed there with them - something to keep water in the omega's system.

Kaylee stared at the food. Now, the sight of it was making her sick. She counted the possible bites out of it - 10.

"You need to at least take one bite, Kaylee," Natasha murmured softly. "Please."

Swallowing hard, the omega nodded, grabbing the chopsticks.

The first bite felt like heaven at first. Something good to eat instead of crackers for once. Then nausea came back - still, she chewed, slowly.

Natasha watched her, her heartbreaking. If only there was more she could do to help. While Kaylee napped, she looked around her room. She found nothing - not even her jar of suppressants. It was like they vanished. Suicide was something she was familiar with but didn't connect that with Kaylee. No journal but a folder full of her friends' pictures and another one with pictures of her training.

Bucky trained her, she knew that, but something else was registering on the Soldier's face in the pictures. Each picture was a different phase through her training. It started unknowing, fear, sadness, and innocence. Each one building on top of each other till she stood fearless and almost looked happy. Natasha knew she liked the work but not working with the Solider. She thought she was making a difference and helping till she started understanding the world better.

Natasha had looked back up at the younger female who was now chewing faster than before when she remembered that Kaylee was the one to give an off-the-book location of a Hydra base. The omega had released a signal, a call for help. It was after DC, after Ultron. The young girl sat behind a bulletproof door with the device while the Avengers raided the base. Natasha and Tony were the ones to find her. She was scared and relieved.

That's the Kaylee Natasha knows the best. After many questions, weeks in a cell, Director Furry was going to press charges before the Avengers got involved. Weeks later, she was cleared to come into the Tower.

Memorizing these times, she didn't notice the omega freeze. The smell of heat reached her nose, the perfume receding.

"Let's get going," Natasha said, standing up. The omega had finished the majority of her food. The beta picked it up to take it back to the kitchen, smiling at the omega. "Drink some water."

Kaylee nodded, grabbing the water with shaking hands as Natasha disappeared behind her.

Her own vision was blurry on the edges, her mind screaming. It felt like she got hit by a truck all of a sudden. She craved the perfume to restart but she knew it would hide how her feelings reflected.

As she started to stand up, she saw the door open, her eyes going wide.

Locking eyes with her just as quickly stood someone she didn't want to see or be around biologically. And behind him, his best friend.

Natasha just came around the corner to watch the omega's eyes dilate, the smell of her heat traveling throughout the room in the presence of an alpha.

"Steve!" she exclaimed, quickly going over to a now vulnerable Kaylee.

"I-" he started, quickly grabbing Bucky's arm tightly.

Kaylee's subconscious let out a pained whine. As much as she willed herself to just go to the elevator, she stood still. The omega in her watched - pleaded - with Bucky to help and it was almost too much to bear when his behavior became primal.

"Let me go!" Bucky snarled at Steve who now was grabbing him by the waist.

Natasha quickly grabbed the omega before her knees buckled from under her and pulled her to the elevator. Kaylee let out more whines, unable to form a word with the alpha's scent reaching her, suffocating her.

Someone make it stop! She pleaded.

Again, the alpha and the omega had locked eyes - a silent conversation to come up again later.

Tada! This was really, kinda emotional to write. I tried to make it seem like lovers being ripped about but ah - fail. In this chapter, I tried to allow yall to see more into the relationship of Nat and Kaylee as well as more of Kaylee past that I tried to develop more than in previous chapters. I realized she was 21 years old when I went back to read the first chapters and - omg I have not been doing that. 

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