Chapter 1

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It wasn't the first time she has felt like this - especially on the suppressants. Doctors said it was the omega inside her wanted to be released but Hydra knew better than that.

For years, she worked with hydra's main asset - the Winter Soldier. Covering every angle of fighting and shooting with him to become apart of a his team - all made of betas and alphas. Scared was an underestimate as it was more like petrified to be around any alpha but also loved the protection they always provided in a cross fire.

This feeling ended when the Avengers let her into the tower. Never having a normal childhood with a 'family', the Avengers almost let her act like a kid everyday. "Almost" , however, meant that when one of the Alphas - or just Thor, who was luckily already bonded - started rutting, she would have to start acting her age of 21 until he left, his omega came to the tower, or stopped rutting

Today, one of the betas, Steve, had to yell at her. "Omega!" He yelled her presentation, making her freeze but also glared at the beta for using a command voice like he would for the army. "Natasha, take her out!"

Nat walked towards her and pulled her out of the training room. "You need to pay attention!" She snarled. "Your lucky you don't smell like an omega."

The girl huffed. "You guys need to stop calling me that then!"

Nat glared at her new 'friend'. "Kaylee," she said after relaxing her expression. "You're an omega. You always will be. With or without your suppressed scent."

Kaylee looked down and walked beside Nat to a different room, far away from the alpha. "I'm sorry," she whispered, hugging herself.

"For what?" The woman frowned, stopping at the elevator. "Being a suppressed omega? I'm sure continuing them is for something you believe in, right? Or the need to identify as something else?"

The ex assassin wanted an answer. Kaylee nodded, now finding some of her sweet-soaked, brunette hair dangling in front of her eyes. "I don't want to talk about it," she mumbled, looking away from the beta and suddenly felt genuinely sorry for the alpha in the other room - her omega side wanting to be released from her steady mindset and emotions.

"There's nothing wrong with it," Nat urged, stepping into the elevator with Kaylee. "You don't have to tell anyone what you saw when you were with Hydra," she tells her, giving her a friendly touch of her arm. "And SHIELD can't take you off of them. You'll go mad with hormones or pissy all the time."

Kaylee chuckled softly as the elevator started to move. "Did Tony tell you what he now will define me as?" she smiled softly at the redhead, who shook her head no. "I'm a beta stuck in an omega body."

Earning a laugh from the other, they walked into a small living small in the Tower that overlooked the city below. 

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