Chapter 13

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Tony looked at the team, his arms crossed. Nat and Steve were looking through camera rolls on all corners of every street Kaylee could have possibly gone on. He had FRIDAY piloting the quinjet and also searching through the cameras from earlier to find her. Nothing came up from neither spy or soldier or AI.

    "I should've known," Tony mumbled, getting a eyebrow raise from Steve who was closest to him. He looked at the super soldier, dread across his face. "Just when Kaylee was beginning to get use to the Tower and being around us, we find him. We immediately put her at risk, Steve!"

    Steve swallowed hard and looked down at the cameras on the ground floor of that afternoon. It was already past midnight and the gangs were already out to play. "I know," he confessed. "I'm just tired of people hating Buck. He was under control literally by Hydra for years. It's not his fault."

    "You have to understand that to her, she only knows the Soldier," Natasha said to him. "You know both. We know both now as well but she only experienced a soldier set to kill."

    Steve grew tense, anyone could tell by the way his arms flexed. He wasn't angry but nervous, anxious. He hated what Hydra did to his friend. It should've been me, he told himself.

    Tony kept shaking his head. He tried to protect Kaylee for as long as he could. He knew that Steve's best friend wouldn't - couldn't be locked up forever and that Kaylee and him would have to see each other at some point. The tension in the kitchen the other night creeped into the back of his mind.

    Kaylee eyes glared at him, everything in her eyes burning with pure hatred of him. But Bucky's had no expression.

    The table grew silent; everyone else looking at the both of them like a tennis match. Tony and Bruce tensed up, ready to hold Kaylee back if she did anything, Steve and Thor doing the same.

    It seemed like centuries before the omega spoke, her eyes watering.

    "I hate you."

    "Trust me, Kaylee. I know."

    Bucky wasn't faded by what the omega said. Unnatural for an alpha, he thought. He was pulled out of his thoughts when FRIDAY alerted him about someone leaving the Tower.

    Steve groaned and opened the video tape of Bucky leaving the Tower. "He's looking for her," he breathed after a few times staring at the screen.

    "Great," Nat huffed. "The one person that shouldn't be out!"

    "FRIDAY," Tony called out. "Follow him through all traffic lights. Bring up the tape where Kaylee was last seen."

    "Yes boss," the AI system called over the jet and brought up the videos as requested.

    Steve watched the video intensely, carefully scanning each video as FRIDAY followed Bucky through the dark streets of New York.


    Bucky looked around a dark road, panic creeping into his heart with every block he passed. His heart skipped a beat as he realized after a few hours of searching for Kaylee, he really was in the bad part of town. He was close to the bay but still a few miles away.

    Of course, she loves the ocean, he thought, making himself run faster.    

    He noticed a mingle of mostly alphas in the air as Kaylee's fresher scent became lonely and sickly.

    He could tell by the angle of the moon and the shadows from the buildings that the hunt for the omega has taken him two hours to this point. He smelled her; her scents engulfing his mind and body as he only focused on her. The sickly scent was suffocating but he pressed on, looking down every alley searching for her; each alleyway causing his heart to beat faster in near panic.

    The alpha noticed a shadow come over him and he looked up, seeing the Avengers symbol on the quinnjet. He smiled softly as it hover for a moment then bolted off, knowing Steve and Natasha were in there covering his back. He half understood he was in trouble but this was Kaylee's life in potential danger.

    Suddenly, he heard a scream. It was faint but he heard the desperate cry of help. He forced himself to run faster. He knew Kaylee's training would kick in but she was already too sick and weak to fend off even Pepper or Tony.

    The smell of horny alphas filled the air as Bucky grew closer to the scream. He could tell she was easily outnumbered before he turned the corner.

    His heart skipped as he rounded the last block, seeing five alphas surrounding the weak omega. His instincts took over, a wave of anger and possessiveness flooding his body. He snarled, sprinting towards the group. He saw three of the alphas holding Kaylee by her wrists and hair, pulling her along as the other two...

    He lunged at one of the bigger alphas, tackling him down. He quickly got up just to see two of the others lung for him as well. He dodged, barely. He caught a glimpse of Kaylee struggling again down the road, one of the alphas covering her mouth. He tried running towards her but one of the three alphas attacked him, making his head spin briefly.

    Bucky noticed their scents and he immedaitely worried for Kaylee's and his safety. When one alpha started rutting and an omega as near, it made others go crazy.

    Suddenly, Steve's and Natasha's scent washed over him. He saw two of the alphas getting attacked and the other got blasted by a beam from Tony's Iron Man suit.

    "Go!" Steve snapped at his friend, making Bucky look to where he last saw Kaylee and bolted down the road.

    "Someone help me!" he heard Kaylee cry out, her distress dragging at his heart, providing wings to his feet.


    Hi everyone!

    I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It took me a while to write this part because I just couldn't decide where and how I wanted it to end but after a lot of thinking, here we are!

    So I feel like there would be plenty of confusion and I tried not to make it confusing. So basically while Tony, Steve, and Natasha were going through the cameras, Bucky was already out for some time. It was just taking FRIDAY a bit long to register a few things.

    I am aware some people could say this wouldn't happened cause FRIDAY is an AI and follows protocol but then nothing would really happen the way I would have liked it to.

    Anyway, those in the jet had followed Bucky and landed a few blocks away upon seeing the group of alphas. You can kinda figure the rest.

    Anyways, what did you think?

    Till next week!

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