Chapter 22

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They sat in silence. The unison of the words spoken was surprising for either party. Occasionally, when lightning struck, they could see each other as that was the only light at three o'clock in the morning. No one else was in the room. They were alone.

Moments passed, Kaylee had finished her yogurt minutes ago and they watched. She watched him for any ill movements and he gazed, simply.

It was quiet for what seemed like years. Static filled the room as both refused to speak in fear of the other.

"I shouldn't have gotten angry the other night," he finally said, looking down at his lap. "Pushing for answers wasn't right and pushing you wasn't right either."

She stayed silent, his words piercing her heart. She looked down at her hands as they mindlessly picked at the nails. She wasn't uncomfortable which was surprising but anxious for his words and her own.

The omega slowly looked up to the alpha, their eyes locking. Tears sprang in her eyes as her life flashed in her mind's eye.

"You caused me so much pain," she choked out. "Do you have any idea what you've done to me?"

No response. It wasn't that he didn't know how to respond but he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Why did you save me?"

"There was a different drive in you versus the other omegas," Bucky replied, sorrow filling his sweet voice. "If I didn't bring you into training, other alphas would break you or worse, kill you. I couldn't do that to you."

"W-what do you mean?"

"All the other omegas, every single one I come across, become sex slaves for all Hydra agents. You didn't know that?"

Kaylee shook her head, looking back at her hands. She did but didn't realize it was all omegas. "What happens to them usually?"

"The lucky ones get old where they aren't desirable anymore. The others die by their own means or someone kills them."

"What about my friends?"

Bucky frowned, moving his elbows to his knees. "During my ruts, I escaped," he started. "I'd find an omega and have sex. It was consensual, every time. Hydra hated that fact."

"How did they find out?"

"If I didn't tell them," he looked down, taking a deep breath. "They would kill you."

"Every time?"

"Every time."

Kayle shook her head as if in denial. "I've seen the bodies! No fingerprints! That's you!"

"Gloves, Kaylee! They used gloves!" Bucky snapped, making her flinch.

As he sat back again, he expected her to get up and leave but she swung her legs onto the couch and laid down. As she stared at the ceiling, the tears ran down her face one by one. Her chest felt tight as she tried her best to hold in oxygen - to muffle the sobs.

"I don't understand why you insisted on saving me," she sobbed. "Was it worth it?"

"Every second," Bucky responded. "You've grown a lot since the last time. Both in character and height."

Kaylee shook her head. There was a pulling at her heart like her friends were warning - or telling - her that they were there. That they knew the consequences of their actions. In disbelief, she rolled over and tried to consume herself in her hatred of the man behind her.

Bucky had then slowly stood up and moved to the end of the couch to watch over her as her body collapsed into sleep. 

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