Chapter 9

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Bucky's jaw locked at the smell of an omega entering the room. He forced himself not to turn around but look ahead straight at Steve. Once Kaylee started speaking, it seemed his heart sank into an abyss. This was the girl who helped him on his missions and whom he helped to become a murder like him - all he needed was a voice as that was the only thing coming back to him.

"Where's Pepper and Jane?" the omega asked and the Soldier felt her eyes on him. Again, he forced himself not too look but turn to her when she was walking away into the kitchen.

"Don't even think about it," Tony laughed suddenly, turned toward Steve. "Pepper won't even drink when it's a big thing like this."

"Big thing like this?" the ex-assassin blurted out. Like him coming up here was big? "What do you mean?"

Steve swallows hard, looking at his best friend. "It's not that often we come together for a dinner," the beta lied.

Bucky nodded and looked around. The small procession of Natasha and Steve started as Tony got up to go to the kitchen. Impatient much? She's - she's what? What could he say about the omega?

He sat back to remember.

"Soldier?" the omega called from above. "Soldier wake up!"

Slowly, the world started to come alive. It was dawn or dusk, judging by the light outside. He looked up. The one thing he gotten use to was the girl he trained and admired waking him up at any time of day she chose. Something was different, however. He heard the bang at the door and turned to see a chair blocking it.

"Kay?" he looked down at her as he sat up. Was she crying?

"They took my pills!" she said, looking back at the door. "Soldier - alpha, do something!"

There. His only word to take charge. He stood up and went to the door. He clenched his fist and pushed the chair away with his foot. He opened it, letting his metal arm swing against the frame as he saw the three men - the two betas and an alpha.

"What the hell do you want?" he growled, glaring at all of them.

The two betas swallowed hard, meeting the alpha assassin face to face. "We thought the omega came in here," one said, his voice wavering. "We need her to start looking at the buildings," the other said, obviously lying.

"Well she's not here," the assassin snarled. "Get on!"

The betas scrambled lightly to get away but the other alpha lingered before walking away. The soldier stared at them, growling once before he slammed the door closed. He looked back at the omega after he locked it. The omega sat close to the wall in the dark.

He sighed and walked across the room to where he kept his pills. He growled, trying to keep himself composed as he started noticing the heat smell in his room. He grabbed the pills and ripped open the new bag he got just for her but noticed the immediately fear scent coming from the omega.

He swallowed hard. "Sorry," he muttered, picking a pill from the bag and walking over to her. "You need to stay in here until it starts working," he told her, taking the omega's hand and placing the pill in it. "Understood?"

Kaylee looked up at him. Only these moments did he actually seem like he cared. If she went to any other member of the team - who knows what would happen. "Thank you," she finally said.

"Yeah," he mumbled, standing and turned around. "Take the bed," he said over his shoulder. "I'll take the couch."

He looked around at his best friend. His only times he saw the omega at her lowest was her heats. He knew she hated him for what he was told to make sure become but what about the other times? Relaxing, he took in a deep breath. Everything was fine except the panic smell coming from the kitchen. He stood up immediately. Was the omega ok?

"Bucky?" Steve said from across the room and looked to the kitchen only to see Tony come out with some alcohol in his hand. "Tony? Is everything okay in there?"

"Oh yeah," he said. "Pepper and Jane are setting the table now."

Steve stared at him, giving him a questioning look - a look that Tony returns. "She's fine," he says finally, turning back into the kitchen.

The ex-assassin swallowed hard. She wasn't fine at all. Did he trigger something? He shook his head no and followed Steve into the dining room. Of course he didn't; he hasn't even come into contact with her.

"Hi James!" someone said behind him as he stood in the middle of the living room. He turned slowly out of bewilderment and saw Pepper side stepping him to put food down on the table. "Dinner's ready. Go ahead."

Bucky slightly nodded and followed the redheaded alpha into the kitchen where everyone was in line to get food. He didn't smell what was cooked but the pure scent of omega filled his nostrils and mouth, making him stumble just a bit.

"Bucky?" Steve asked as he turned. "You ok?"

The alpha nodded, grabbing a plate. "It's just a bit hot in here," he muttered, pulling his shirt away from his neck.

The blonde turned sharply, his eyes widened. "Hot?" he whispered. "Buck, it's 70 Fahrenheit! How are you hot?"

Bucky shrugged but was immediately worried - for himself. How could he be hot at 70 degrees?

Steve and Bucky were the last ones to get food, considering they were one of the three who ate a bigger meal than the others. Bucky had followed his friend back into the dining room and immediately saw the layout of the table and how everyone else was sitting.

Kaylee sat at one head of the table. On her left sat Bruce, Natasha, Jane, and then Thor. On her right - Tony, Pepper, Clint, and Steve. The only seat left was at the other end of the table - directly across from Kaylee.

He seemed to growl some, mostly to himself, but sat down anyway. Steve smiled at his friend before starting to eat. There was chatter among everyone but the one conversation he overheard clearly was Kaylee's.

"Bruce, you have to make them work! I'm begging you!"

"I'm trying Kaylee. I'm doing the best I can't with limited resources."

"Then work harder! I can't keep giving you my suppressants!"

"Give him a break, Kaylee," Tony pitched in. "He's trying."

Bucky looked up and saw the young girl glaring at Tony before she relaxed. You have to hand it to the girl, he thought. She's stronger than the other omegas. And a temper. He chuckled to himself softly as he looked back down and started eating himself. His body itched to look up as he felt a pair of eyes look at him. He tried to fight it but - if it was her.

He slowly looked up and immediately locked eyes with the omega. They both swallowed their food and stared. The pit in Bucky's stomach grew with hate - to himself and HYDRA. He knew what he was and what he made her become.

Kaylee eyes glared at him, everything in her eyes burning with pure hatred of him. But Bucky's had no expression.

The table grew silent; everyone else looking at the both of them like a tennis match. Tony and Bruce tensed up, ready to hold Kaylee back if she did anything, Steve and Thor doing the same.

It seemed like centuries before the omega spoke, her eyes watering.

"I hate you."

"Trust me, Kaylee. I know."


Hello! Sorry for the late post. I hope you guys are enjoying this 😇

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