Chapter 7

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Natasha stared at her. Obviously, this wasn't the same girl she knew back then but to want to die from just being around a person is frightening. She knew something bad happened to her with the Winter Soldier.

Steve glares at the girl. "He hasn't done anything wrong!" he yelled. "The Winter Soldier hurt you, not Bucky! You think him and hydra ruined your life? What about him? Hydra ruined his life to and made him a murdered!" he was beginning to become angry at her. "Damn you Kaylee! He should have died when he fell off that train! Not become an assassin and forget everything!"

The tension in the room grew as the silence filled the air. Steve and Natasha were locked in eye combat with Kaylee as the others waited for someone to attack. Thor and Pepper knew the stakes were high with an unbounded alpha and an omega in the same room. Yes, she was on her suppressants but - would Banner and the the lab team be able to make more for her.

Banner looked over at the alphas knowing what they were thinking and they were all so wrong. With Kaylee's blood he took this morning, he recognized a small molecule in her blood - she had the serum also. There was no way he could recreate the pill for her but he would have to still try. The faster she got off the pills, the better she would be in the long run.

Steve shook his head. "I don't understand why Tony insisted on bringing you here," He growled, turning on his heels to head for the door. He slammed the door to the stairs opened and pounded his feet to go down.

Tony turned to Kaylee, blocking out Natasha from her view. "Kaylee, honey, I can't promise anything but you'll be fine." Kaylee opened her mouth to say something before Tony put his hand up to silence her. "Let me finish," he said and continued. "Yes, you've been trained by Hydra but with that training and working out with Sam and Natasha, you can fend for yourself against anyone in this tower," he gently took her hand. "Even if we can't keep our promises, we will try to protect you and I won't leave you alone with him - ever."

Kaylee shook her head furiously before letting tears escape her eyes rapidly. "I -" she started and stared at the billionaire. "All alphas are the same!" she screamed, turning her attention to everyone else. "They fuck what ever Omega they want, mark them, and when they die they don't care!"

"Don't care?" Pepper piped up. "Don't care? Kaylee, that's not it at all," she trailed off, staring at her. She wasn't angry but - concerned and curious for what the young omega saw. "Kaylee, marking -"

"I don't need a fucking lesson on marking Pepper!" Kaylee growled, making the alpha shut up immediately. "I know exactly what it is!"

By this time, Natasha had enough. Surely there was enough on Kay that she needed - to put the pieces together. The room was silent now and it thundered in her ears. Turning around, she started for the stairs, going down a few flights to a main computer room Tony had.

Reaching the computer, Nat typed furiously once she found Hydra's files and looked for Kay's. There was a long list of files that covered her history from how she joined down to the smallest details of her own missions she conducted and carried out. Everything, it seemed, was here but the accidents with the Soldier.

Scrolling through the information took longer than expected for the spy. With thousands upon thousands of files to look through along with the encrypted ones, the process took forever until she found a file called "Project", stored away deep within files. It had a few instances with deaths around the compounds she was in that either she called in or witnessed.

Natasha frowned at the documents she found. Half of the deaths she witnessed were from position, a fight, or simple rules that someone didn't follow at the shooting range. The other half she called in - finding the people dead. Some of them consisted of 'regular' deaths like cancer but the majority - she found - was of her close friends.

All of her friends' death showed signs of foul play in bed with the strong scent of a rutting alpha who marked the omega or beta. The cases have been closed due to this with no one revealing they know the scent or the alpha coming up themself.

The redhead swallowed hard. This is why, she thought still looking through them all. All of Kay's friends gone apparently because of the alpha in question.


At first he didn't hear the footsteps coming down the hall just a few minutes after he received a late lunch order from Tony but he knew by the sound of them it was his friend. "What did you need upstairs?" the brunette sneered with his back turned to the cell bars. He almost felt betrayed from his friend about the girl from earlier today

"Something happened last night that the entire team needed to be notified about," Steve lied and crossed his arms in front of him, staring at the former hydra agent. His blood was still boiling from what Kaylee said about his friend.

Bucky rolled his eyes from the information and stood up, walking just a ways to the bars. He was going to note that he knew the beta was lying but scented the anger in Steve that only a few things could get to him. "What's wrong? What happ-" He stopped, smelling the omega on himi again. His body seemed to shut off and restart again at the thought and smell. Still no face or name but the girl was there at a few of his missions. "She was there."

Steve huffs and opened his mouth to speak but failed so he nodded instead, mentally readying himself for a bombarded wall of questions.

Bucky's head spun for a minute. The girl went against the agreed protocol and went into the stairwell. No wonder he hasn't been able to get out today. "You can't keep me in here, Steve!"

"We aren't," Natasha said coming down the hall rather quickly with the things she needed answers to. "You're coming to dinner tonight."

Steve swallows hard and looked up to his friend. He didn't think Natasha was serious. The look on Bucky's face was a combination of fear, anxiety, and excitement and only his scent confirmed it.

"Excuse me?" Buck asked, raising an eyebrow almost leaning toward the red-head.

"You're coming to dinner so make sure you clean up and look nice," Nat told him and pulled out a few pictures. "But I need answers to questions concerning the omega upstairs."

Bucky swallowed hard but nodded. Maybe he could get answers himself.

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