Chapter 5

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Dear Diary,

I don't understand the causes of my grief but, yet again I do. I'm scared that shield won't be able to recreate the suppressants that hydra made for me. They aren't like the regular, obviously. I don't know how many times I've told you but - the serum protects me. With regular pills, it causes harm to the reproductive system and - with the serum - didn't work at all to stop my heats. Do I blame it? No! Of course not! But, with the special ones, the serum and the pill works together somehow so I won't have my heats but my 'baby' system protected at all costs. Thank goodness because - I haven't changed my mind from not wanting to have pups.

There's another reason why I'm writing to you today. He's back in my life and I'm scared. I'm scared because he might remember me! Yes, besides killing many, many people and hating him for ruining my life - he protected me from the other alphas when I got on my heats during missions. My heats were out of whack the first few times but - the alphas were merciless! All of them - even the betas - backed me into the corner every time and started touching me, making my heats worse. Then, he came and - being the top alpha of the team - told them to leave me alone and he gave me a suppressant and - all that matters is that I was safe for the time being but thankfully it only happened... 3 times before hydra decided I always needed to be on them as my body took to them kindly.

If he remembers, he'll know I'm an omega and - without his suppressants - will try to make his move when he is on his rutts. All non-bonded alphas are the same! Take advantage of the omegas whenever.

Diary, I can't live without those pills! If Doctor Banner doesn't make them to

where they work - I might as well die. I can't let that alpha take control of me and I can't have my heats. I just can't.... I'm too young to die...


Kaylee put her diary up and sat back on her small couch. She was getting out of her own control and she knew it. Snapping at both Pepper and Thor wasn't right but she was too stubborn to apologize to them - even at dinner when it was obvious that there was tension between the three of them.

She sighed as there was a small knocked and the A.I system, FRIDAY, told her it was Bruce. "Come in!" she called and smiled at the doctor. "Hi."

"Good evening, Kaylee," he said to her and sat in an opposite chair like he always done. "I-I hate asking but I'm trying," Bruce started. "We need just three more of your pills to help with the recreation."

Kaylee sighed and swallowed hard. If she gave him three, she'll only have 20 months left for the pills and maybe - if they ask for too much - she won't have any left. "Ok," she said. "But I really hope you get everything fixed, Doctor. Take anymore of my pills, the process would have to be quicker."

"I know your wants, Kaylee," Banner smiled softly as she went to go get the pills. He stood up as she came back out and put the pills in a small bag for transport. "I'm trying my best. Can I also take a blood sample? To see if it works?"

Kaylee frowned. "I'll come by tomorrow, I promise but whatever you find in my blood, you have to keep secret."

Bruce stared at her for a minute before nodding. "I will. Good night, Kay," he said and walked out, gently closing the door behind him. He stopped at the elevator and thought about what she said. Find in her blood? He thought and stepped through the doors when they opened.


It was midnight when Kaylee found herself awaken by a loud noise coming from upstairs. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. No one was usually up this late and if someone was, they were usually in the gym.

She got up and looked up, hearing two different foot steps. Two of them? She thought and put her sweats on as it was just a little cold in her room. "Friday," she called. "Who's up stairs?"

"Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff," the female AU system told her.

Kaylee groaned and started for the stairs after closing her apartment door, forgetting that she wasn't supposed to. Friday didn't warn her until it was too late and Kaylee almost gagged at the heavy scent of Bucky. She quickly closed it and leaned against it. "My god!" She hissed. "Why can I smell him from here?"

Friday quickly informed Steve of both hers and Kaylee's mistake and he started for the stairs. He could sense Kaylee even though she only opened it and closed it. When he got to her floor, Kaylee was shaking with her back to the door.

Natasha had followed Steve down the stairs and played with the door. "She locked it!" She says and started knocking furiously. "Kaylee!"

Both Steve and Nat kept hitting the door until Friday unlocked, commanded by Kaylee. The Widow quickly opened the door and went to her friend. "Kaylee," she spoke to her worriedly. "Kay, what's wrong?"

Kaylee shook her head like she didn't want to say anything. "I messed up! God, I messed up! He's going to smell me for sure!"

Steve frowns. "It's ok, Kaylee," he tried to calm her down. "He doesn't come anywhere near here."

"No! You don't get it, Steve!" Kaylee wailed. "He has a HYDRA version of the serum!"

Steve swallows hard. The serum he received from Erskine enhanced his hearing and smell, if he tried hard enough, he could pull certain smells away from the others. "It's ok," he says. "He won't smell you. I promise."

"You can't keep that!" Kaylee sobbed and hugged herself tightly. "He might as well fucking come to dinner tomorrow!"

Nat frowned and hugged her. "Shh," she hushed, trying to calm her more. "The team will protect you if that's what you want."

"I may be a damn omega but I don't need protection, Natasha," Kaylee sniffed and curled into the beta's arms like she has done a long time ago.

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