Chapter 4

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It was days before Bucky was able to go outside the cell but luckily those days were spent in silence with Steve every few times throughout those days. He was in the gym with Steve and Natasha when he noticed that faint, lingering scent again that sent chills down his spine. He knew he spent a few days with whoever possessed the scent but didn't know who it was! This thought aggravated him. The scent seemed to be winning against his own mind as he tried to remember.

Steve looked at his friend as he grew tense. "Buck?" He frowned. "Are you ok?"

The alpha huffed. He was far from 'ok'. "I'm fine," he muttered. "Just some things came to mind."

Steve frowned and sat next to him. "Do- do you need to talk about it?" He asked.

Buck sighed and shook his head no. "I think I need to go back to that cell," he says, standing up almost getting dizzy from the memories. "My backpack also," he mumbled.

Steve nodded, standing up with him and looked at Nat. "Will you -"

"Yea," she said, unwrapping her hands to walk with the former soldier back down stairs. "Don't worry James," the beta smiled softly. "You won't be in this cell for much longer."

Bucky sighed and started down the stairs. It didn't bother him that he had to climb a few flights to get to the small cell but he knew they were hiding something from him. If only he remembered the scent...


Throughout the day, Kay started to get irritable. No one came to the small gym with her as it was mostly Steve, Natasha and Sam training with and motivating her but they were with Bucky. Steve spent all his time with him unless the Soldier wanted to be alone. As much as she hated to admit it, she wanted to spend time with one person but that seemed like an alpha's job than a betas.

She was just in one of those strange moods that pop up when she entered the kitchen. Tony and his bond mate, Pepper who was an alpha, were talking with Thor and Jane about the way Steve was acting. She seemed to growl at all four of them and proceeded to the refrigerator to get a coke. She huffed softly when all the coke was gone and had to get a bottle of Milo's tea.

"Good afternoon, Kaylee," Tony smiled at her. "What do you think about Steve and Bucky?"

Kaylee glared at him. "He has killed multiple people and ruined lives," she hissed through her teeth as she sat at one end of the bar away from the bounded mates. "If Steve wants to be around him all the time, I don't care as long as that murderous, damn alpha Soldier doesn't come anywhere near me!"

Tony sighed and watched her carefully. "You know," he started, almost wanting to see how far he could push her into telling her something. "Bucky isn't the Soldier. It's like having two personalities fire him."

Kaylee scoffed and drowned her tea quickly. "They are one in the same. You haven't seen him in action yet."

"But-" Pepper started, trying to reason with the omega.

"No!" Kaylee snapped at her, making the female alpha growl. "Him and HYDRA ruined my life! It's because of him and the team i was a part of, that all of my friends are dead! My entire family is dead because of the Soldier and fucking shield!" She yelled, tears springing in her eyes. "Screw alphas!" She tried and glared at Jane and Tony. "Why fucking have one when there's always a threat of dying after heated or rutted sex?" she growled at the alphas and stormed off, throwing the empty bottle across the kitchen.

Tony stared again. Death? He frowned and looked up at Pepper. "Death?" He whispered, slightly concerned.

Pepper shook her head. "It's not possible Tony," she said calmly. "It's natural for omegas to act the way she has when they're on suppressants."

Jane frowns. "What's wrong with her, Tony? Being an omega isn't that bad."

"It's not," Tony saying looking up at her. "I know it's not 'that bad'. We think she's too dependant on it or a choice that she thinks it's right."

"Doctor Banner is working on making her suppressants," Thor told his mate. "They are supposedly made special just for her and she doesn't want to take the regular ones."

Jane huffed. "How often are her moods?"

Tony chuckled softly. "Honestly? Most are out of the blue but I think she can't have her heats so every 2 months there's a week that she's completely a -"

"A bitch," Pepper said, cutting him off. "I don't blame her for it but - gosh, it's getting old!"

Tony shook his head. "She's still trying to transition, Pep! Yes, it's been a year and shield didn't trust her to be on her own. That is a lot of pressure!"

Pepper looked down at her beta and walked over to get the bottle and threw it away. "I hope she's better at dinner." 

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