Chapter 14 **WARNING**

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Kaylee sat quietly on a bench under a street lamp, clenching to her backpack. She knew she wasn't safe here but she was already too weak to keep going. Dehydrated and hungry, the omega tried to relax as her surroundings filled her nostrils. A tangle of oders of sweat and mischief ran through her nose. Alphas, she thought in terror. 

She spun her head around when she heard footsteps approaching. She couldn't see anything passed the light the street lamp provided.  "Who's there? " she called out, hearing her voice echoing off the buildings, making her heart skip a beat. Her mind raced through all of her training she received while with Hydra and prayed it would help to at least fend them off till she could escape and run.
There was a low chuckled behind her and she spun again.  "Look what we have here," someone said, low and demonic. "A scared little omega all by herself, boys."

"This one smells easy," another growled as multiple males stepped into the light, quickly surrounding her.

"Stay back," she glared at them, gripping her backpack straps tighter, feeling where she had put the knife earlier that day. She counted five in total as she slowly walked around. Her heart dropping when she smelled their scent fully. They weren’t looking for mischeif, they are looking to mate. 

"Look at her, boss," one grinned, eying her predatorily. “An omega nearly on her heat all by herself.”

The 'boss' chuckle evilly as he watched her, his eyes wondering. When he licked his lips hungrily, she already felt defeated. Kaylee's heart stopped when they finally locked eyes. At once, she dropped her backpack, taking her knife out as the alphas lunged for her. 

One of the alphas grabbed her wrist, wrenching her arm back behind her and dropping the knife after she only punched a few of the males. She knew it didn't really hurt them as she was already tired out. She tried to push them away, terror filling her senses as they began to grab for her clothes. The 'boss' grabbed at her pants before she kicked him in the face. She never realized the tore her bag off of her.

"Drag her," he growled, standing up straight, watching the other males grabbed at the omega hungrily. 

The alpha that was holding her wrist behind her back grabbed her hair and pulled down, causing her to scream out in pain. She was lifted up, her feet barely touching the concrete sidewalk as two alphas joined in with the first, holding and pulling. Kaylee tried to ignore the hands on her body as they clawed and grabbed. "Stop!" She begged, tears running down her face. She thrashed around, calling out for help before one of them covered her mouth. 

Suddenly, it was like the hands disappeared but the grip on her wrists and torso grew tighter. She opened her eyes from the onslaught to see what was happening. She only saw three of the alphas crowding around another. When the last one fell, she saw metal reflex off his arm. Soldier? she thought, new tears of joy coming to her eyes. For once in a long time to see his face. 

"He won't be able to help you," the boss said, his hot breath at the back of her neck. She thrashed around again as he laughed, pulling her more and more down the road, turning into an alleyway.

Kaylee shook her head around, freeing her mouth from the hand that covered it. "Someone help me!" She screamed, more tears streaming down her cheeks as the two remaining alphas began to rip at her clothes. 

They tried to drag her towards a door at the back of the alleyway. The two alphas laughed as they stared at their work. They had easily torn away her shirt, her torso and back covered with red marks from their fingers. Kaylee’s bra was held up by one strap as the ‘boss’ had ripped the other. Her black jeans were shredded to look like short daisy dukes; short enough where the looked like denimi bikini bottoms. 

“If only your little hero back then could save you,”the boss taunted as the other alpha pushed her towards the door. He watched her stumble before beginning to reach for her.

“Touch her,” someone growled behind him. “And you die.”

Both the alphas looked back, clenching theirs fights ready for a fight. Kaylee pulled herself to her knees, her arms shaking as she looked back at the long-haired alpha. The boss smirked as he watched Bucky breath slightly heavily from the fight before and run. The boss and his henchman exchanged a glance, a slight nod from the boss before the other alpha started runing for the Soldier.

Adrenaline coursed through Bucky’s veins. His trainig for Hydra allowing him to move till the last seconds to get behind the running alpha enough to trip him. Kaylee watched with wide eyes as the other alpha got up, turning with a knife in his hand. 

It was as if in slow motion before her eyes. Three of the alphas moving in perfect unision. The boss had turned towards Kaylee just about the same time the other got up. Both with knives in their hands. As Bucky’s hands landed on the outstretched arms, the boss pulled Kaylee to her feet.
A deadly thought ran through Bucky’s mind for a moment before deciding to act upon it. He grabbed the alpha’s head with one hand and hit his Adam’s Apple and head itself, hard enough to make him pass out. He turned at the sound of struggle to see Kaylee’s life quickly in the balance once more. 

The boss held his knife to Kaylee’s throat  hard, already enough to draw blood. “Take another step and she’s dead,” he threatened, a dangerous laugh seeping at the tip of his tongue. 

Bucky’s glare at the other alpha was of death. A warm and calm sensation washed over Kaylee and she quickly realized her legs were slick. She looked up at the Soldier before her, begging with her eyes to help. His look of possessiveness soothing her. 

“Let her go and you live,” he growled, Kaylee’s scent of fear and… damn it, Kaylee,  he thought breifly. The reason he responded so quickly.
“The poor thing’s in heat and you think you can help her?” the boss growled, his grip on Kaylee tightening. 

“Last warning,” Bucky snarled. 

Kaylee felt the alpha’s breath down her neck, making her want to sqirm. She locked eyes with Bucky for a moment, recogonizing the death stare of the Soldier she grew to know.

“Don’t-”she yelled but it was too late. She screamed, turning the other way as she heard the scream of a bullet fly past her ear before the big bang from the barrel of gun. She fell to her knees as the boss’s knife loosened and fell along with him. 

“Bucky!” she heard another say further down the alleyway. She didn’t register any other sounds or movements, staring into the garvel as she grew increasingly hot. 

Her senses clouded her mind, she could only think about how hot she was. I can’t be, she thought. Suddenly, Kaylee’s face was tilted toward the sky. She could make out Pepper and that’s when she grew confused. “Pep?”

“Don’t worry, Kay,” she said, smiling warmly at her. Pepper tilted her head, moving her ginger bangs out of the way. “We’re here to get you home.”

Kaylee only nodded tiredly as she was pulled into the female alpha. She didn’t notice Natasha coming next to her. They could all smell and clearly see the effects the omega was going through, especially the stench of a new, fresh heat. 

“She needs to get home now,” Natasha frowned, turning to see Buck and Steve talking lowly. “She needs to hydrate. These next few days won’t be pretty.”


Author’s Note
It was hard for me to write this scene. I don’t think I’ve managed to come across and protray what I want but you understand. It’s not an easy subject for plenty of people and I understand this. 

I hope you have enjoyed this long waited for chapter. 

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