Chapter 24

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Warning - Mentions of Smut. Mentions of Self Harm.

Bucky ran after her and was met with the elevator in his face. He looked around the room to find it deserted. Everyone was gone for the night. Looking up at the clock on the wall, it was midnight. He growled out of annoyance and raced down the stairs.

He knew where she was going. He had to finish this and start anew with her.

When he got to her door, he found it unlocked. "Kaylee?" he called out, walking in. A fresh scent could nearly knock him down it was - sweet.


"Kaylee!" he called out again, closing the door behind him.

"Go away!" she called, her voice sounding muffled.

"I'm not leaving," he said, walking deeper into the apartment. The scent got harder to deal with. He growled to himself as he opened the door to her bedroom.

She was still in her dress, her shoes thrown to the floor. Her hair was plastered to her face in sweat and tears. The wave of heat washed over him again as he drew her in - face deep into her pillow.

He reached her, hesitant on what to do. For once, fear came over him to hurt her. "Kaylee-"

She groaned in pain as she moved her body to face him.

"Help," Kaylee begged, looking up at him. Her pupils were blown, like that night in the hospital. "Please, Buck."

He shook his head. "I won't. This just came upon you. You're not well to make that decision."

"Screw the gentleman, Buck!" she hissed. "Please, just touch me. Anything."

The true alpha in him was slowly coming face with the omega. He growled softly as he took his shoes off and laid down beside her.

She pushed her way into him, chest against chest. Kaylee whined softly as she tried to get comfortable. Gripping his shirt, she buried her face into the crook of his neck. A shiver ran down her spine as he wrapped his metal arm around her waist.

"Shh," he cooed, his other hand stroking her hair. "I'm here, Little Bird."

"This isn't working," she mumbled. "I'm hot - your hot!"

He frowned. "Then your sick," he lied.

Kaylee moved to look up at him. "I'm not. We both know what-"

"No!" he said sternly, leaning up at his arm. He seemed to tower over her. "No way am I going to go any furth-" he saw her eyes weren't dilated which he knew would only happen for a short while.

"Bucky," she pleaded. "I can't go through another bad heat."

"How have you been doing these past months?"
She frowned. "Staying away from you helped. Now your back. Please."

Bucky shook his head. A whine came from the omega as her pupils dilated again. And he smelled his own rut starting.

"Damnit, Kaylee," he growled, pushing her to lay flat on her back. He scooped his hand under her waist, pulling her towards him. He kissed her deeply.

A low moan wrestled to escape her throat as she moved her hands up his chest and started unbuttoning his vest and shirt.

Bucky snatched her hands from him, pulling away from the kiss. "No touching," he commanded, pushing her hands above her head. "You keep them there. Understood?"

"Yes, Buck-"

"It's alpha, Little Bird," he growled, again pushing his lips to hers.

It felt like wildfire; the passion between the two was ecstatic - but it felt normal. Slowly, he started kissing over to her ear and down her neck, leaving soft nibbles on her skin while bringing one hand up to trail along with her dress.

"You can't-" she whimpered out. "Don't ruin my dress."

Bucky trailed back up to her ear, her breath hot. "I'm not going to ruin it," he growled. "I'm gonna fuck you in it."


She hung on to him, breathing heavily. "Did you-?"

He nodded softly, pushing himself up some. They were still connected, waiting for his knot to go down. "Are you ok?"

The omega nodded and looked down. He was still nearly fully clothed, not letting himself even take off his vest. Sweat-covered clothes for the both of them, one sniff, and her heat scent was gone.

He stayed there for only a moment before pulling out of her and stood up, pulling his pants up. "Let's get you cleaned," he spoke softly, walking to her head.

She shook her head softly. "Please lay with me. We can tomorrow? I'm just tired now."

"It is tomorrow. Exactly an hour and a half past tomorrow."


"Yea, yea," he chuckled, sitting on the bed again. "I saw your scars," he stated bluntly. "When did you do them?"

Kaylee frowned, slowly sitting up and pushing her dress down to cover said scars on her thighs. "Anything to stop my heat from consuming me..."

"So you thought pain was the better way to feel something else?"

She grew silent, not looking at him, only responding with a nod. "I couldn't do anything else. I hate me."

Bucky reached out his hand, lifting her chin up. "I know that feeling," he said, looking sternly into her eyes. "We'll make it through."

Kaylee half-smiled before Bucky gently pushed her down again. He crawled over her to the other side of her bed. He gently pulled her into him, back to chest.

"I got you, Little Bird."

Writing smut is not my thing. So enjoy your own thoughts on what happened. 

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