Finding Ella Part 1

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Elena's POV
They didn't realize I could hear them.When I heard those words my heart broke.Not about the cancer but about my sweet little girl who I just held for a few moments was gone.I wanted to scream so bad and yell to anyone who would listen but my lips wouldn't move neither would my body.

I remember Stefan holding my hand and then all of a sudden my world came crashing down.

"Elena, please if you can hear me open your eyes.Please,open them.We need you.Please for your babies,open your eyes."I could hear Jeremy pleading.Why must life be so complicated for us?

I heard someone speak in hushed whispers and then pressure being put on my arms.

"I don't see how this will work,Damon.We have tried everything."

"Trust me Stefan,for once.I know this will work.She loves her kids to much."

I didn't know what he was talking about but when I felt five tiny finger wrap around one of mine.I instantly knew what was going on.Aiden.My sweet little boy was part of the plan to 'wake me up'.I almost instantly felt my eyes flutter out some tears and look right into a little bundles beautiful blue eyes.I wrapped my arms around my perfect baby boy and looked around the room.

I saw both Stefan and Damon sitting at the end of my bed and I felt more tears flow thru my eyes.I looked over at Stefan.

"We have to find her Stefan.We have to."

He moved closer to me and kissed my forehead.

"Everything will be okay Elena.We will be a family and a happy one.We will see it grow.I will be the youngest grandpa and great-grandpa in the world."

I smiled what did I ever do to deserve him so much.

"What are we going to do?"

"You are going to stay here and watch over our sweet little boy.While Damon and I go get Ella and bring her back."

I saw Damon start walking out of the room and talking to a couple police officers across the hallway.I looked back up at Stefan and raised up to kiss him.I kissed him with as much love as I could after just being asleep for who knows how long.

I broke the kiss after a few minutes and whispered"Bring her home.Bring our little princess home."He gave me a hopeful look and walk out of the room to Damon.

I looked down at one of my bundles of joy and immediately was filled with happiness.He eventually closed his little eyes and fell asleep.I looked around and saw my bag sitting next to my bed.I quickly got out the one thing were I can put all my worries into.My Diary.I began to write with Aiden lying beside me.

I wrote 7 words before putting it back in my bag."Dear Diary,Please let Stefan find Ella."

Stefan's POV

Damon and I answered the page long questions from the police officers.There were already search parties out looking for my sweet little girl.They had to find her soon incase she rejected the latest surgery.Me and Damon already knew where she was and once these stupid cops were finished we were going to get her.

"Thank you for your cooperation.You are free to go."I was already heading to the elevator before the officer was done talking.I got in my car just as Damon did.We knew just were to go.I immediately started driving to the woods were Katherine took us when we 'were young'.

We arrived and searched everywhere for that ruthless person I used to love.

"Hey boys!"Damon and I immediately turned toward the voice.

"Are you looking for me?"She looked the same as she did the last time we saw her except she had blood on her face and arms.A LOT of blood.

~~~~~love it or hate?Sorry for the wait.Vote and comment.Three comments and I'll reveal whose blood was on Katherine's body.Was it Ella's?Was it the Witch's?Or was it a main character on TVD?~~~~~~~

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