Meeting Ella

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(Stefan's POV)
I had just heard the worst news of my life.First Elena's heart stopped in the middle of her operation and then I find out my daughter has cancer.

I sat down in a chair.How could this happen to me?When I first heard Elena was pregnant I had a feeling of joy but that was gone very quickly.I knew Elena would live to tomorrow but what about Ella?

"Mr.Salvatore, would you like to see your daughter?"A young nurse asked.

I smiled,I would finally get to see my little princess.

"Of course."

I kissed Aiden's head,who was now in Bonnie's arms, and walked with the nurse to the children's ward.She led me to a room with a bunch of babies in incubators. She brought me to one with a very tiny baby in it.It was Ella.That's what it said on her certificate that was stuck to the side of the incubator.

The certificate had four lines on it.The first had "Ella Rose Gilbert-Salvatore" on it.The second had 2lbs 3oz on it.The third had mine and Elena's names on it.On the final line it had leukemia written in big,bold letters.She was so much smaller and weaker than Aiden, it was hard to believe they were twins.

"I'll let you have a moment alone with her." The nurse said.She gave me a small smile and left.

Ella had light brown hair.When I bent down and she opened up her eyes.She had light green eyes.She was so beautiful.We were going to find a cure.I am going to bring her home.I am going to teach her to ride a bike.I'm going to teach her to drive and walk her down the isle on her wedding day.Finally, I'm going to give her a life where I spoil her to death because she's my little princess.

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