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Chapter 8- Just for a day

Wheein woke up without moonbyul next to her. It made her worried about her whereabouts. Today is Sunday and if the girl wasn't home then where is she? Wheein walked downstairs every step hearing snores from the living room. She walked passing by the car keys on the floor. Realizing that the person she's been finding for was sleeping on the couch with her jeans on. Thinking about what made her sleep in there and why she ended up not fulfilling her promise. Wheein doesn't like what happened last night. " Oh, Wheein..." Moonbyul was awakened by the presence of someone realizing she's all uncomfortable with her position. " Mommy?" Wheein turned her head at the sudden call. Gabriella who is scratching her sleepy eyes away saw her daddy. She ran to her hugging her as nothing had happened. She just misses her so much. " I thought you're not going home daddy" The little girl's voice seems to be really worried about not seeing her before she went to sleep. Moonbyul hated herself for making her daughter worried about her whereabouts. But the things that happened last night made her hate herself more than ever. She knew it would happen, She's just blinded by work and... Lust.

"I'm sorry baby, Daddy will make sure that this day we will go out and have some fun, you want that?" Moonbyul asked that her daughter happily nodded at it. Wheein told Gabriella to wait for Ajumma's food so they can eat but the thing is that she wants to ask Moonbyul what took her so long that she ended up sleeping in the living room with her outside clothes still on her. " Curious?" Moonbyul doesn't need wheein to ask her, she knows by the eyes that Wheein is curious about last night. She doesn't know what to tell her. Another excuse. " Don't worry about it we just had a little talk, can't resist the dinner" Moonbyul said, Looking at her reaction wheein was convinced by it. It was a relief for byul but her heart is screaming and scolding her for making such a useless excuse. But the temptation is quite strong that no matter what she does the hunger is killing her for another one. She knows she's about to do something that will break the heart glasses. 


The Moons ended up having fun in an amusement park, Which is a really memorable place for Moonbyul and Wheein. They always went there to spend their dates together. Even before their wedding, they went there first. And it's the first time that they went there with Gabriella, who is showing that she really loves the place too. " Daddy I want there!" Gabriella jumped up and down pointing at the Ferris wheel. Moonbyul glanced at her wife to know if it's fine, Wheein smiled and quickly they entered one. Gabriella can't take her eyes off the window viewing the whole amusement park. Wheein is glad that her daughter liked the place, she most liked the most. The dates where Moonbyul will always make her ride adrenaline.  Ending the day with a kiss under the Moonlight. Every memory of their dating stage is precious until the days that will pass. 

" Daddy, I want there!"

"Daddy let's ride that!"

"Daddy let's play that"

Even though Moonbyul is at the peaked of her puking at the number of requests and rides Gabriella wanted to try. Wheein can only look at her with worry. Gabriella doesn't seem to care about what is happening and just kept requesting until every ride satisfies her. " Mommy, I'm hungry" Wheein sighed when Gabriella pouted, she just heard her tummy growl. Wheein looked at Moonyul and by her surprise, her wife is pouting too. Now she needs to feed monsters. 

Wheein ordered Kids friendly meals for them, She asked Moonbyul if she wanted something but Moonbyul insisted with what Gabriella eats she will eat it too. They ended up eating Lunch at the amusement park. Wheein gazes at them like they are the most precious gems on earth. But her smile ended up with the thought of last night. Knowing that Moonbyul never eats outside with a business partner. Moonbyul is a CEO kind of not her deal. She's more of having it in the office and it's the first time she encounters a partner who wanted to meet her at night. Everything on her view is suspicious with Moonbyul's way of clothing last night up to the scene she slept on the couch. Everything doesn't make sense to her. But Wheein doesn't want to think the stuff she knows that will make her and Byul away from each other. Not now that her family is doing well. 

" Wheein?" She didn't know that she spaced out, gladly, Moonbyul called her attention making her push the thoughts aside and just enjoy the rest of the day. "  Are you done?" She asked putting on a smile again. Gabriella nodded looking around again. She hasn't ride half of the rides so she's ready for a round two walk. " Can we ask Seyeon and Uncle Jeongyeon and Aunty Nayeon to come here?" Moonbyul nodded at her daughter. So remembered her cousin Jeongyeon is already married and already has a child 3 years younger than Gabriella. Wheein take pictures of them having fun, She doesn't need to join them since just looking at their smiles made her enjoy the day. Tomorrow Moonbyul will be busy again and Gabriella will attend school so it's a really nice experience to be experienced. 


Moonbyul carries Gabriella as they walk around once again at the amusement park. The little girl is really tired making her fell asleep in her Daddy's arms. " I can see your smile at her when I first introduced the place" Wheein nodded in agreement, she saw herself at her daughter too. The smiles the excitement and the tired face. She ended up sleeping at Moonbyul too, But in her case, Moonbyul gave her a piggyback ride while she walked her back to the car. " She told me it was her favorite place too," Moonbyul said, No doubt it would be her favorite place. The rides are nice and they're safe. 

Moonbyul took wheein's hand and one hand securing her daughter. They walked for a while before heading back to the car. It was a long day but everyone enjoyed it. Waiting for forever to be happy again. The clueless future might be playing their fate and it scares them. 

( I'm having a hectic time but still I will publish the other parts;)

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