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Chapter 18- Narcissus

 (Continuation of 17)

Wheein stumbles to her room, locking the door. She doesn't have any idea what is the girl Dahee is telling her. What and Why she just came barging inside her house. And what is her connection with her wife Moonbyul? But the answer is inside that envelope and she was about to know. Half of her is telling her not to peak or look inside that but half of her is pure curiosity. Even though she doesn't know what will come to her. To her wife and her family.

She just kept on staring at it, Contemplating whether to check on it or not. But nothing will happen, right? Wrong, Her trust, love, and will to look at her wife will change everything as she tried to. But what she thinks of doesn't stop her from picking up the envelope. Slowly opening its lead. She feels like it will be the answer and the reason for her to be distant from her wife. To think of her wife as a selfish being.

First, she took randomly was a folded paper. She slowly unfolds it using her vacant hand. She's sure she doesn't like how it made her heartache. " Your wife that you love so much, Is a piece of trash, even her wife who is reading this right now, One is living with her own desires and one being clueless for years" Wheein stared at the letter, trying to hold her tears a little longer. She knows it wasn't the hardest part. So she needs to keep going further. But it breaks her heart multiple times as it started, Middle, doesn't know how to make it end.

There's no way she can still hold her tears. With the truth on her hands. The pictures of pure disgust. And the years she's been played. One of the pictures was taken candid and unnoticed, Dahee filmed them having sex every time Moonbyul visited her. And the pictures she gave Wheein are only the high lights. And that's when Moonbyul leads the way for the both of them. Wheein hands are shaking, eyes don't know where to look. Her heart and mind are burdens with thoughts and questions she knows her wife can only answer.

"Byul...how can you do this to me..." her mind kept repeating the phrase. She bites her skin, scared that someone might hear her. Her daughter. Biting her skin on the wrist as she cries silently. She's mad because she was fooled. She's disappointed at the fact that she doesn't fully know her wife's attitude. Her past, their past.

Not having any idea how to confront moonbyul about it. She had enough of it all of it. The lies, the affection, everything with her and Moonbyul. But the only thing she can call is Moonbyul's cousin Jeongyeon. As she dialed Jeongyeon's number trying to swallow the next sob. "Unnie! Long time no hear-"

"She has an affair..."

"... with whom?"

"Lee-Lee Dahee"

Jeongyeon rubs her forehead hearing that name again. The name she thought already buried out their life. Not knowing what to feel about it. But it was her Cousin Moonbyul. Being aware of every move Moonbyul does back then. The cheating times she's been watching away. Jeongyeon felt sorry for Wheein saying that name. She swears to god She really wanted to te her about Moonbyul's affair. But she doesn't want her cousin to be in trouble. But now her trouble has come.

"What can I do Unnie? Do you want me to take Gabriella here so you can talk?" Jeongyeon is desperate to help wheein about it. To fold the times she has hid the truth away from her cousin's real lover. Jeongyeon felt more desperate to help her when she heard sniffle cries from the other line indicating to her that the girl already knew about it. 

"Yes, Next week, After we went to Busan... Take care of my Little angel" Jeongyeon hummed in response. Of course, she will take care of her niece. But what she really wanted to do is to stay at Wheein's side. "Will you be ok, Unnie?" Wheein never feels like being ok in a moment. She wanted to see Moonbyul, see her eyes, her scrunching nose. But in a way that she wanted to know it from her own wife. " ...Yes"



"...you know it, Don't you?'

"Sorry Unnie" 

Wheein's POV

Am I the only one who doesn't know about it? How? I'm always with Moonbyul. Ever since I accepted her again. We're happy, More than happy. She changed. I felt dizzy from crying, I want to cry so bad. I want to because I feel useless. I want to because I was left alone. And I want because she lied. Did she felt guilty looking at me? Looking at us? "Until we die...together...hand in hand... body and body...soul and soul... Heart to heart" Can Moonbyul say those things to me?

I had enough of tears. I tried my best to stand up from my place. Walking to the bathroom to soak my face. I stared at myself in the mirror. Realizing that I was all miserable. Moonbyul made me feel Miserable. Her affair is making her miserable. But she needs to hide it in the meantime. 

Pretend to smile, Face her every time. Just for Gabriella. " Mommy!" I was greeted by small arms hugging my leg. "Mommy, Look I draw you and Daddy together" I stared at her drawing, I appreciated how she pictures us together. I embraced her in a tight hug, Just once she wanted to smile, the true smile. When she pulled herself, a pout was formed on her lips, while she fidgets her fingers. " Mommy, I'm curious what kind of girlfriends are you and Daddy back then until the day you had me, I have no idea and I want to know" She shyly asked bowing her head and swaying her body. Her cute chubby cheeks being squished by her shoulders. I lifted her up to her bed and we lay down together. I guess it's the right time for her to know us before. 

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