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Chapter 13- Making things alright

" Daddy Aren't you going to work?" Gabriella asked feeling new about her waking up seeing her Dad inside their house again. Moonbyul lifted her, showering her with Kisses. " Daddy, wanted to have her day with her baby girl, don't you like that?" The confusion and thoughts drove away with a sweet smile. Gabriella hugged her tightly like she wasn't going to let Moonbyul go away. She's happy to be with her after all those Months someone took her Dad away from them. "Thanks, Daddy" Moonbyul was surprised at how Gabriella really missed her a lot. Realizing that her little girl really misses her presence. 

Moonbyul spent most of her time playing with her little angel, trying to fill the voids of her longingness. She's happy to see her daughter smile ear to ear running around while she tries to catch her. Thinking that just by small things she can forget the mistakes she made. With her daughter and Wheein. " Daddy..." After playing games, the two of them became exhausted and sat at the picnic mat. Moonbyul heard her daughter called her. " What is Divorce?" Moonbyul choked at her water hearing the kind of question her daughter asked. How did she know about that word?

" How did you know about that word, baby?" Moonbyul asked placing her daughter on her laugh. Gabriella thinks of it for a second before telling her. " My friend Jae won told me her parents got a divorce, Is that a bad thing?" Moonbyul doesn't know what to think of an answer, Yes it's a bad thing especially if the couple did something that they Divorcing it the only way for them. Yong sun was correct, Gabriella is no longer getting younger, Her eyes will be widened by the truth of the world. The reality with no fairy tales. Choosing a happy or a sad ending. " Yes, Divorce is a bad thing..." Gabriella raised a brow still not getting a point why would be. Moonbyul sighed that she needs to explain those things. There is no easy way to explain Divorce to a child. 

"Why?" Gabriella asked, Moonbyul lifted the little girl's hand showing her off her pointy- finger, Moonbyul did the same making their fingers together. " Think of this a Mom and a Dad" Moonbyul whispered to her ear. Gabriella nodded. her finger is the Mom and Moonbyul's finger is the dad basically. Slowly Moonbyul removed her finger showing Gabriella that her finger is the only finger left. " Dad lefts Mom..." Moonbyul doesn't know if she explained wrong but her heart aches after her daughter realizes what she explained. Dad lefts Mom... Moonbyul feels like it's the wrong way she explained. It made her Sad and scared about that thing. 

Moonbyul was started when her daughter suddenly hugged her tight. Her face hiding on her shoulder. Slowly Moonbyul heard little sobs and her shoulder becoming wet. Her daughter is crying. "Shh... Don't cry Angel" Moonbyul cooed her for her to stop crying. Gabriella understands what she was saying the point of view she wanted her to understand. The point of what is a divorce. " Don't leave Mommy, Daddy" Double her heart breaks hearing her daughter beg for something she just understands. Her little girl begging for something she doesn't even encounter. That she's hasn't known before. " I won't, I won't, Baby, Daddy has no reason to leave Mommy and Little Angel" She informed her soothing her for a while until she stops crying. Does she have no reason? But she has Million reasons to be left. Moonbyul has millions of reasons to be left by them why is she the one who will be left? 

Not knowing Wheein was listening to them all the time. The time when Gabriella asked about divorce. Until Moonbyul promised not to have a divorce. Wheein saw Moonbyul's hurt eyes when she told their daughter about something like divorce. Wheein can see her wife fighting something from inside. There is no reason for Moonbyul nor Wheein to file a divorce. They will stay together until death right?


Moonbyul and Wheein are still watching TV when they heard a knock on their door. " Mommy, Daddy, Can I sleep here?" They saw their little angel peaking her head at the door asking if she can sleep with them. Wheein stood up from bed to lift Gabriella to their bed. The three of them, Layed comfortably on the mattress watching TV. Of course, the little girl is in the Middle. Gabriella cuddled with her Mom while Moonbyul eyely admire her. " She's being like you as she grows up," Moonbyul said. Wheein nodded. Not so long enough Gabriella fell asleep on their side. Moonbyul turned off the TV. " Do you still remember the day I surprised you on your birthday?" Wheein asked, Moonbyul pretending to think but she clearly remembers that unforgettable day. Where she got the most precious gift of all. " When you told me you were pregnant Of course I will never forget that day" Moonbyul replied turning her body to wheein who is busy caressing her daughter's cheek.  The day they first had their daughter. Even though she's not with them at that time. The both of them can feel her. 

Where they pay extra careful and Moonbyul being so scared of leaving Wheein that she hired bodyguards around the mansion. Always call wheein from time to time just to check her. And that time when wheein had spotting, Moonbyul was in a clear panic that she left an important meeting just to go to the hospital. Everything just for the sake of their first. 

" I'm happy that we made her, She's perfect" Moonbyul holds wheein's hand showing her how she feels the same way. They were beyond happy to have their little Angel. Their small world was filled with glitters and gems when their little girl was born, They don't need anything anymore. When Moonbyul named her after wheein's English name, The world stopped by the time when they first heard her cry. The relief and overwhelming emotions. She's just perfect. 

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