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Chapter 10- Repeats

When the Moons finally reached home, Moonbyul was interrupted by a text that made her go back to the car and drive. She's tired and just wanted to rest so what now? 

" Oh, so you came?" Moonbyul rolled her eyes in annoyance. Obviously, Obviously. Moonbyul walked inside sitting on the red sofa. " Obviously you texted me to come" Da hee nodded before she sat next to Moonbyul. She's a little distant to byul like she's not in a mood to touch her. " But you have your options whether to come or not right? Moonbyul leaned her back and nodded at her. She has options but she came to her place. There was silence before a sigh coming from moonbyul. 

" Why did you come back," She asked curious about her Ex. If it's nothing then why? Moonbyul began to bring back her old self because of dahee. The provocation Dahee is giving her is affecting her times 2 than before. Moonbyul noticed a glass of whiskey standing tall on top of the coffee table. She doesn't have time to have is a sip but she let the whiskey burn her throat. " Because I miss you" It was a simple question but Moonbyul found herself in the same situation as before. " Are we going to do the mistakes we did before?" Moonbyul was sure it was her motives of going back. But Dahee wanted to have her in a different way than before. They were sitting on a hotbed of fire. With their situation and talk. Moonbyul kept pouring whiskey on the glass. 

" It wasn't Mistakes... Because we both like it" Da hee softens her voice and she's not lying. Moonbyul and Dahee know that they both like the shit out of it. " Yes, I liked it-" Dahee cut Moonbyul of because it's just the answer she needed and it's final. She likes it and it's final. " Then what's wrong with it Byul? We're not doing anything wrong" Dahee's voice increased she's being absurd. It's only here because she doesn't have anyone. But Moonbyul has a wife and a child. Everything from her perspective is all wrong. " In your view Dahee, But for me? I have a wife" Dahee can't help but chuckle, she finds it ridiculous but Moonbyul is nothing but pure facts. She moved her hands around Byul playfully unbuttoning her polo. 

"Yes, you have wheein... But can she make the room hotter than mine?" Moonbyul felts herself like she's in handcuffs. She can't move her arms.  The atmosphere is going down. That it can melt the ice. " You have her...But can she give you time? Moonbyul's upper is already revealed. Without moving her body.  Dahee moves her way to moonbyul's abs scratching them while licking her toned abs.  

" Tell me can she be the best in bed?" Moonbyul bit her lips at the pressure Dahee is giving her. Her mind is blackout nor her Wife can't enter her mind. She feels good with those pressure. Not having so much good time for so long she's hungry. 


10: 31Pm

" Thanks, Dahee" Moonbyul went bittersweet but she feels fresh under Dahee. They had enough of it. They were both tired and needed rest in the meantime until Moonbyul sat at the edge of the bed bottoming up her polo back. " I'm glad I satisfied my client" Dahee hug her from behind. Moonbyul doesn't know how to react to it and just lets her with it. 

" If you feel like being hungry, Even if you come here every day I will still give you the hot seat." Moonbyul sighed in defeat nodding at her offer. She started it and now she will find time to stop. Dahee is a long way to the edge. 

12: 01

Moonbyul drove back to the mansion being all sober. Glancing at the time. She's beyond Gabriella's bedtime. And so to wheein. She felt guilty gazing at the window of their room. The lights are off. Guilty that she did it again. Lucky, if it didn't end. But she knows everything has its own end. 

The fear of being left alone and be tortured by the consequences of her actions and chosen destination in life. The lies, she says to her wife. The days she began to turn her back to wheein giving her the shadow of herself. Ending up her day knocking on Dahee's apartment just to sustain her sexual needs. 

The side of her dark self coming back again. Wheein doesn't know about it being all completely clueless of her repeats. Dahee being her human drug that took more time to leave. The selfishness that she gave her wife unlike the years she's been hiding her bad side. 

Moonbyul walks inside the house dizzily with her footsteps. Still being relieved that she has a house to sleep in. She peaked her head at her daughter's room. Her daughter already sleeping with the human-sized teddy bear she gave to wheein. Next, she walked to their shared room. Entering like a lost person in a big place. Gazing at her wife who is sleeping alone. 

"I'm sorry Wheein...I'm sorry"  She can't help but be 'sorry' to her wife sleeping alone, hoping that moonbyul will be home fast. But Moonbyul is with someone that is taking her time supposedly for her family. She entered the bathroom taking a quick bath before laying down next to her wife hugging her. 


Moonbyul kept getting calls from Dahee even on Saturdays and Sundays for 2 months. She has an option, right? But she still comes to her. Like the old teenager days. After work, Moonbyul will head to Dahee's condo unit having their little games. Wheein began to have hunches on her own that something is happening behind her. For 2 months Moonbyul will go back home with all the lights off. The road is all chilly. Every time Moonbyul gazes at the house. She feels guilty until she looked at her Wife and Daughter. But when a call interrupts she knows there's no turning back.

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