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Chapter 7- Unwanted meeting place

" Daddy don't break your promise ok? I love you take care" Even though moonbyul really doesn't want to leave, she can't do anything but still wanting to fulfill her promise to her daughter. " Yes, baby" Moonbyul stood up after kneeling in front of her daughter to match up to her height. Moonbyul hugged Wheein still trying to stop her from being cold. " Sadly, Gabriella will be sleeping next to us tonight" Wheein knows what she was saying, which made her give Moonbyul a victorious smile. She gave her wife a peck simply wanting to tell her to take care of herself. It's quite cold outside but the time is ticking telling moonbyul to go ahead. " I'll be going now" With a bitter-sweet feeling Moonbyul turned her back to them walking to reach the door. At last glance, she waved her hand to her daughter who is waving her small hand on her. She doesn't know it but she guesses of hating da hee after this and will cut all the future Saturday meetings. 

At the car outside the gates. She glanced at the address card that gave her a frown. Starting the car she placed the address over the GPS that tracked her way quickly. Tracking the time every minute she wanted the time to fly fast to make her get the contract done and go back home before her daughter went to sleep. 20 minutes of drive Moonbyul finally succeeded to get to the building. Parking her car she glanced at her wrist-watch knowing that she still has 3 minutes before the time given. The Condominium building is kind of grand and has multiple security with those buff guys and a front-row receptionist. Moonbyul headed to the front-row " Hi Uhmm- I have a meeting with Ms. Dahee Lee" When the Receptionist looked at the card she looked at the person next to her like they were talking by their eyes. Then back to moonbyul and smiled again. " Sure, Ma'am She's on The 5th-floor Unit" Moonbyul took the card back before walking to the elevator but as the Elevator door closed she heard the receptionist and the girl next to her gossip with each other. " Another one for Ms. Lee- Now it's a girl" Clearly Moonbyul heard them. 

Thinking that Dahee is still the same dahee back in the old times. She sighed reminiscing those days filled with guilt. Not knowing the fact why is she still coming to see her and be her friend again. It just doesn't make sense to her why. Not soon enough She finally stepped foot on the unit floor realizing that dahee owned the whole unit on the 5th-floor. The room was filled with roses and portraits of maybe a Picasso. The unit was filled with red-colored things around. She heard walking footsteps on her way. " OH, so you came" By her surprise, Dahee came to her only wearing a red bathrobe with a wine glass in her hand. Moonbyul doesn't know how to react. Not knowing she's been staring at her for so long. It was cut by a chuckle. "Let's go then" Da hee leaded the way and moonbyul followed her from behind. She became embarrassed of being caught looking so long to the person she doesn't know who still can captivate her. But not now.

" Where's the contract?" Moonbyul curiously asked realizing dahee wasn't holding a file. She was expecting it was on the counter but dahee only gave her a glass of wine. " Don't be so fast byul yi there is a lot of time" Moonbyul stared at the Wine glass, for her, there is no time left for her daughter she needed to go have the contract as soon as possible. " No Dahee-"  She was cut off when Dahee slowly untied her bathrobe in front of byul. Making her eyes wide open in shock. The robe touching the floor. Revealing dahee only wearing seductive Red set lingerie. Moonbyul stood picking up the bath robe trying to cover dahee. But Da hee pushed her making her fall on the large sofa. Da hee approached the Lamp who is keeping the Room lightened. The only source of light inside the unit. " Why don't you sign the contract?" Moonbyul doesn't know what contract she is talking about and was really caged on Dahee's large red sofa. " There's no Contract and-and what are you doing-" Once again Moonbyul was cut off, Da hee picked up the glass she gave to moonbyul before having a sip on it. Byul was about to push her away when Da hee attacked her with a kiss. Not by a second, Moonbyul felt her body loosening its strength off moving her eyes being blurred. 

" Taste like fine grape right?" With her eyes blurry, she finds herself wanting some more of those fine grapes. Dahee pushing Moonbyul's shoulders too as she deepens the kiss between them. Moonbyul doesn't have the time to think. Wheein...Wheein, Her head is telling her it's wheein but as her eyes became clear it wasn't Wheein her wife but it's dahee. " Did you miss your one and only provider?" Moonbyul didn't find herself and unconsciously nodded licking da hee's neck up to her collarbone. 

9: 30PM

" Mommy, did you think Daddy broke her promise?" Wheein doesn't know what to tell her daughter. She doesn't know what took her wife so long. Hoping that her daughter would understand. " Do you want me to read your book for you baby so you can sleep?" The only choice Wheein can do is to take Moonbyul promise but the little girl wanted to wait for some time more giving her daddy a chance to fulfill her promise. " No thanks mommy, I will still give daddy some time maybe she's on her way now" Wheein nodded giving her daughter a peck on her forehead. Like mother, Like daughter both waiting. Glancing at the room wheein found herself smiling seeing the human-sized teddy bear that Byul gave her before now inside her daughter's room. The little girl is planning to sleep next to her parents but Moonbyul went of somewhere for a meeting so she just took it away. Wheein glanced at her daughter seeing that she's already asleep. She gave her daughter a last peck on the forehead before leaving the room. She felt disappointed in her wife for making her daughter hooked up with a promise she made. 


Moonbyul sighed reaching her house. There's no way she can fulfill her promise now. Another guilt she made today. Waking up she thought that she's with her wife being greeted by da hee smirking at her. " I have a wife Dahee this is all wrong" Moonbyul regained her consciousness back. Dahee is not finding the information she gave amusing. " And who?" Dahee asked seriously. Moonbyul knows that she knows her, but I guess time cuts out memories and only the memories of torture are the ones who stayed. " Wheein" Da hee stood up, gladly, that they didn't go too far but still it's guilty. 

" I don't care, I know you like it don't you? Just come if you want something and not by hesitation I will command your wish

MARRIED, NOT DATING (Wheebyul ff)Where stories live. Discover now