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Chapter 24- Way back home

" Here-" The doctors let Moonbyul go home after a week of them running some of the girl's test. All are normal that Moonbyul doesn't need more further treatment. She was stable through the Coma years. Gladly, She didn't have a amnesia or else it would be hard for her to go home. The nurse who's been helping her for the pase 3 years still wanted to help her. She gave Moonbyul money and a bus card to commute and for her food, Moonbyul was about to give it back but the girl insisted much. "Thanks for the help" Moonbyul was thankful that someone is still understanding her position in life. Willing to listen to her crappy story of living. " Hope, you and your wife find your way back" Moonbyul nodded, smiling at the generosity of her personal nurse.

Waiting for the bus, Moonbyul found herself having nothing. She has no phone, no wallet and no wedding ring. She can't lose her wedding ring. But when she woke up, It's already gone even the nurses doesn't know where it was. Her clothes were provided by her nurse. Glad that it fits her now this body shape. She's curios, excited, and scared of what she missed. Her wife doesn't know her whereabouts. For the past 3 years wheein doesn't know her whereabouts. But what if her whereabout that wheein knew and believes is just to other part of the world. When is general they were only breathing the same air.

Her daughter, what does she look like now. Of course she's not like her daddy. Wheein's are more stronger, that's why it makes her envious. Looking around, it's still the same busy city of Seoul. Nothing changed, from the peoples motives to go to work. Student running not to be late. And free people doing whatever they want whenever there feet walked into. Finally, The first bus of the day stopped. Moonbyul rushed to the bus, tapping her bus card. And seating at the last seat before the back. When the bus moved.

She realized that she haven't tried to commute or be a normal person. She's rich and has so many powers. But it made her think that she wasn't like any other. She found the bus ride amusing and calm. Now she know the feeling of what other people say. Calmness inside Korean bus. She indeed understand it now. She leaned her head on the glass window, looking up the sky. Thankful that she's still not with her grandfather and grandmother. She has things to do and to be done. She wants to feel more things she haven't experience.

She's being a normal person. Without any money but happy. Without material things but in love. Without desires only dreams. Moonbyul wants to see her wife so bad. To hug her daughter and to live with them. Even thought her mistakes weren't going away. She will still find time to see herself and what made her be like it. When the bus driver told them the stop name. Moonbyul hurriedly walked out the bus thanking the driver for the ride.

Still nothing has changed that much, except the flowers and faces of people. She walked making the cold wind hit her face. Walking in a distance she saw her mansion at it's place. She sighed heaving a smile.

"Do we know you?" Moonbyul was shock with an appearance of an unknown person. It's her house right how can someone entered her house? "I live here?" Moonbyul said trying to escape the presence of an unknown. But the guy pushed her away. "Sorry, But we bought this place a year ago" Moonbyul doesn't know what to do next. She was blocked out. Thoughts running on her mind.

"Did she left me?"

"Did she brought Gabriella with her?"

"Where are they?"

Moonbyul can't think of an possible answer. She scared, what if all she thinks are true?

She walked in the pedestrian lane. As cars past by her. Not knowing where to sleep. Where to find them. Moonbyul was torn around herself. She came stopping by her own restaurant. When she entered, the staffs immediately ran to her welcoming her. But she only ordered a typical coffee. Without anything. It was pretty odd be Moonbyul never buy an low-class product. But today is different. She let the coffee sit there. Not holding the cup. She looked outside. Praying that it wasn't over.

"Wheein, where are you?" She whispered inside her mind. That impossibly wheein won't hear. She sat there the whole day until the clock strikes 6.

"Who can I talk to?" She just can't stay there all day. Moonbyul is counting on her mind to make her past the time quickly still thinking.


MARRIED, NOT DATING (Wheebyul ff)Where stories live. Discover now