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Chapter 26- This life

"Zszsh Ah!" Moonbyul hissed, Her bruises and raw wounds were making her hiss in pain, Wheein coldly stare at her before she continued to damp the hot compress on one of her bruises. Moonbyul holds her breath but ending up still hissing. "Wait! Wait!" She catches her breath for a moment. It makes her eyes sting since the impact is on her face. Seriously it looks brutal. Wheein sighed, Waiting for Moonbyul to be comfortable with her situation. Trying to maintain the cold aura between them. " Why do you look skinny?" Wheein asked trying to be irritated by her voice. Moonbyul laughed at herself looking at her body. Then shrugging her shoulders. " I don't know, I just drink water once" The girl finds it as a joke and Moonbyul is not really onto it, making her irritated again. How can she still joke like that? She thought.

"Uhmm...Wheein" The girl looked back at her, Moonbyul is kind of fidgeting her fingers which is pretty odd. But maybe Wheein thought that Dahee made her a shy looking kid.  Wheein raised her brow. " Can I have something to eat? I haven't eaten anything " She asked. The girl sighed before going to the kitchen. Since it's already 1 am in the morning. Wheein just prepared their typical midnight snack, Ramyeon. Boiling hot water, She has so many things to ask Moonbyul but she is stopping herself from doing it so. But Moonbyul seems like being new. 

While waiting for Wheein to come back, Moonbyul sat at the edge of the bed. Thinking of why her cousin reacted at her brutally. Sure, if it's because of leaving Wheein but they are not understanding what she'd been through the years. There is no joke, nothing to be joking around it's all real. But no one will trust her again. Not wheein, Not jeongyeon, Not herself.  What's with Dahee that everyone thought of? She found the door hung open, And she's curious what kind of house they moved  in looks like. She stood up walking upstairs, slowly so she won't bother someone. The first door she saw seems into her curiosity. But not in a distant another door that is opened. So she left the first door and went to that door with pink walls. 

Peaking her head inside. The room was filled with teddy bears and some familiar ones. Drawing materials scattered around and a bed on the left corner. It made her feel excited to enter, so she slowly passed by the mess until she knelt down on the bed. "Hello, My little Angel" Whispering in her breath. Smiling at herself happy to see her daughter who changed a lot. But still her little girl. 


Wheein placed the cooked ramyeon on the table. She walked back to Moonbyul's room. But to her shock, no one was there anymore. Looking at the restroom to the backyard and every room downstairs. " Byul! Where are you?" Wheein looked around but there is no Moonbyul. She grabs her hair thinking of where she was. Then her eyes wide open running upstairs on to Star's room, Still her son is still peacefully sleeping, with her relief. She now knows where Moonbyul is. Sure, she will miss her daughter even though, Moonbyul tried to abandon them.

She heard someone humming in her daughter's room. She doesn't need to be in a panic. Wheein knows that voice so much. The only voice she always remembers. Slowly she entered the room, Revealing Moonbyul carrying her daughter while humming her favorite song. By the look on her eyes, Moonbyul is really missing her daughter so much. Moonbyul saw Wheein looking at them. So she gave her a smile ear to ear, Before placing back her daughter to bed giving her a peck. 

" Gabriella is big now," Moonbyul said, They went back to Moonbyul's room and Wheein just looks at her not saying any word. Glady, by her relief Moonbyul, didn't saw Gabbi. Even though she's still weak and can't stand on her own. She still carried her daughter because she misses her so much. When Wheein placed the food on the bed table, As Moonbyul took a glance at it her mouth became watery. Until in no time she dug on her food. 

" So good, I miss real food, Thanks Wheein" Wheein finds it peculiar at Moonbyul. She began to over-think again, Did even Dahee gave her food to eat. Or Moonbyul is being caged. Just by thought makes Wheein angry at that witch. With Moonbyul came back, she has nothing a phone or anything that she can use. Only a Bus card with a different name written on it. What's your secret Byul? 

" I miss you too Wheein, I want you and Gabriella to live with me again" Wheein was taken aback at how Moonbyul is being confident of herself that she can easily be back again. " Are you crazy?" She asked being so low on her position. Wheein won't take things that meaningless. Even though she really wanted to because of her Son and Daughter. She won't stop Moonbyul to feel easy. 

It might be crazy but Moonbyul felt determined to change even if it took her awhile. Wheein still owns her life her love and everything. " It might be crazy but I  want to show you how much I love you Wheein. Even if it takes me forever, I don't care, I want to court you again. Please give me another chance" Moonbyul won't stop right there. Wheein can see it in her eyes Moonbyul is not faking anything. She's so done with faking things with reasons that wreck her family apart. 

" Even if it takes me to court you, To marry you again...I'll do it again...Because I love you" 

MARRIED, NOT DATING (Wheebyul ff)Where stories live. Discover now