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Chapter 11- Consultation

Moonbyul lacked sleep for the past few days, So sometimes she feels sick of going to work the next day. She's been draining herself, Moonbyul can't even play with her daughter. And Gabriella is being far from her Dad for the first time. Wheein doesn't know why Moonbyul always goes home late at night. 

" Ms. Moon, Ms. Chou is here" Moonbyul looked up shrugging off her tiredness away.  Remembering that she has a meeting with her cousin from Father's side, Chou Tzuyu. "Yes, let her in" Moonbyul stood up spreading her arms to greet her youngest cousin for a hug. Tzuyu walked to her hugging her older cousin. It's been three years since they last saw each other that made them miss each other a lot. 

" Long time no see Weirdo" Tzuyu greeted, Moonbyul walked back to her leather office chair. And Tzuyu sat across her. They started to talk about business again with Tzuyu's Dad, Moonbyul's father's Cousin. Realizing that they haven't talked so much when they were together. Moonbyul, Jeongyeon, and Tzuyu Lived together before when they were studying. So they are closer than strangers. Tzuyu looks at Moonbyul with pity as she couldn't count how many papers are piled up on her desk. But she's sure her cousin can do all of that. 

"You look like you haven't rested for a while now huh?" Moonbyul chuckled instead of answering her cousin. She's not exhausted because of papers scattered all over her desk or the file boxes on her shelf. Or her employees who don't even know who they are in her company. Or the busy streets of the great capital of South Korea. Or the bankrupts trying to punch her down her thrown.  " I'm on a very hectic situation in life" Moonbyul joked that made her cousin scrunch, not her type of humor.  That's why they are very close and partners in crime. Tzuyu went to read some of the folders scattered on the floor checking what are they all about. When suddenly she looked at Moonyul's phone who is on Moonbyul's side. Her older cousin just looked at the caller's ID and frowned. Not having the call really amusing. 

" Why don't you answer?" Tzuyu asked, Moonbyul shook her head telling her that it's not important. The phone rang again and this time Tzuyu took a glance at the caller's ID realizing it was really not amusing. Moonbyul again rejected the call for the second time. " So you're seeing her...Again?" Moonbyul frowned at the fact that she is. Tzuyu sensed that her cousin is walking to the path she hated. She knows Dahee, The girl Moonbyul kept hooking with. Every night at the Apartment the 3 cousins shared. It annoys the 2 younger ones every time Moonbyul pulls Dahee inside her room for god knows how many times. Tzuyu knows how hard Moonbyul tries to stop herself for another time. Until she agrees to marry wheein. 

" Unnie, You're bringing back your old self... What if Wheein unnie knew about it" Moonbyul stopped from signing another one as she heard wheein's name. She knows it's wrong and seriously dead as selfish. " I know, but Dahee is an addictive drug or a pack of cigarettes that is hard to stop" Tzuyu shook her head, about how Moonbyul describes Dahee. The girl that might be the cost of Moonbyul's another Depression. 

"Unnie do you remember my wife Sana?" Moonbyul raised a brow, why would Tzuyu involve her wife in their talk. She just noticed Tzuyu sigh as she stares at Wheein and Gabriella's picture frame on moonbyul's desk. "She's my Ex-wife now..." Moonbyul began to think of possibles that made Sana an Ex-wife when Tzuyu loves her so damn much. It's been years since they last saw each other so it's obvious that they have no idea about what they've been through. " What's the reason?" Moonbyul asked paying so much attention to her cousin. 

"We both cheated at each other" Tzuyu's words made Moonbyul lean hard on her office chair. Cheating is always common but just how Tzuyu tells her story is just something to listen to. " We realized that we don't have what we desire to have, The communication we need. The help- But we love each other so much. But both of us turned our backs at each other until nothing left" Moonbyul doesn't know what to process but every context she gave is all-important. Moonbyul can see the longing in her cousin's eyes. The emptiness she shows. " I thought you have a son?" Moonbyul asked, She noticed Tzuyu is fighting back her tears. 

"Yes, He's name is Xian," Moonbyul asked relief about it but. She's shocked to know what happened to Tzuyu's son. " He got kidnapped when he was 3, I was working that time, and Sana- I don't where she was that time. When I came back Sana is all hysterical shouting at the cops. Then I finally realized someone barged into our house. We tried to find him but..." Tzuyu didn't get the guts to finish what she was saying and stared at Moonbyul's eyes like she was not gonna let go of it. 

" Unnie, Stop all your sexual desires with Dahee and come clean to Wheein unnie... So you won't end up like me" Tzuyu will be more than desperate to warn her cousin. She knows her cousin has a big and warm heart. Sure that her conscience will be awakened. And that's what matters for her family. Moonbyul clenches her pen in her hand. Doesn't know what to say. She's right, her cousin was right. Not by a decade, Wheein would know. And wheein will leave her. " Tell her all you did" Moonbyul's eyes widen by the sudden suggestion. No, she can't just come to wheein telling her about what she's been doing for years. It will be hard.  Thinking of it Moonbyul is no way will be forgiven. 

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