3) You Are So Beautiful

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Brienne and I flagged Sansa as we entered the destroyed remains of what once was Mole's Town. The wildling attacks had dismantled it and none of the northern lords had bothered to repair it and return it to its rightful citizens. Far cries from the revered northern men Eddard Stark had ruled over. Sansa entered the ramshackle building that looked like a small breeze could send tumbling.

Petyr Baelish turned to Sansa with a smile, having the audacity to release a relieved sigh. "Sansa," Then his face fell when he took in Brienne, in all her outrageous height and fully decked out in armour, then myself. He noted the white wolfs fur coat, Sansa herself smirking at the sight of it when Jon had wrapped it around my shoulders before we left this morning, and glanced to the sword at my hip. "Lady Brienne, Lady Naveen."

He cleared his throat as none of us deigned to reply. "When I heard you escaped Winterfell I feared the worst. You have no idea how happy I am to see you unharmed."

"Unharmed?" I watched Sansa tense, her muscles locking up, face going tight as she reigned in her anger. "What are you doing here?"

"I rode North with the Night's of the Vale to come to your aid. They're encamped at Moat Cailin as we speak."

"Come to my aid?" She repeated, the same disbelieving tone in her voice. "Did you know about Ramsey? If you didn't know you're an idiot, if you did know you're my enemy. Would you like to hear about our wedding night?" Petyr inhaled deeply, lips pressed together as he expected the worst. Knew the worst was coming. "He never hurt my face; he needed the face of Nedd Stark's daughter. But the rest of me? He did what he liked with the rest of me, as long as I could still give him an heir. What do you think he did?"

There were actual tears pooling in his eyes and I had to stop myself from rolling mine. He shook his head, face full of emotion. "I can't begin to contemplate–"

"What do you think he did to me?"

After his prolonged silence, Brienne put a hand on her sword, speaking in that strong, proud voice of hers I admired. "Lady Sansa asked you a question."

"Answer her, Baelish." I tried not to spit at him.

"He beat you."

"Yes, he enjoyed that, what else?" She continued glaring at him, her gaze never leaving the man in front of us and it made me feel good to stand beside these two women as we made Little Finger squirm.

"Did he cut you?"

"Maybe you did know about Ramsey all along."

"I didn't know," He shook his head in denial.

"I thought you knew everyone's secrets."

Petyr lifted his hands, half reaching for her, half begging for forgiveness. "I made a mistake, a horrible mistake. I underestimated a stranger."

Sansa ignored his plea for forgiveness and ploughed on. "The other things he did, ladies aren't supposed to talk about those things, but I imagine brothel keeps talk about them all the time. I can still feel it. I don't mean, 'I still feel it in my tender heart, oh how it pains me so'. I mean, I can still feel what he did in my body standing here right now."

"I'm. So. Sorry."

"You said you would protect me."

"And I will–"

"I don't believe you anymore!" She spat. "I don't need you anymore, you can't protect me. You won't even be able to protect yourself if I tell either Brienne or Naveen to cut you down. And why shouldn't I?"

Petyr considered her, knowing she was absolutely right and that she was angry. "You want me to beg for my life? I will. Whatever you ask, that is in my power, I will do."

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now