14) We Will Do It Together

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Jahalla tensed, gathering her strength before leaping off the top of the wall. From above, the Wall seemed like such a long way up but as she rushed downwards I thought the ground was too close. My stomach lurched as swooped upwards, plateauing out and then we were flying. The shards of ice in the air sliced across my cheeks, but Jahalla's hulking body protected me from most of the freezing air as I laid flat on her back. 

Her powerful body shot across the landscape, one flap of her wings and we were over every mountain. It took Gendry an afternoon and into the night to reach East Watch at a run, it took the men two days to walk to Arrowhead mountain and it would take us less than an hour. Drogon flew beside Jahalla in flight, their wings lightly brushing and the pair would swoop and snap at each other gently. It was almost like they were flirting. Daenerys watched me as I slowly began to relax, becoming used to the height, the feeling of the air moving around me. Sitting up straight, I slowly released the spikes on Jahalla's back I'd been clinging to and flung my arms out either side of me, loving the feeling of her gliding weightlessly through the air. My laugh at that moment was one of pure joy and Daenerys' answer was a dazzling smile of her own.

I wonder how she felt about growing up believing she was the last Targaryen, the only one in the world to bring back an extinct species and fly them. Was she jealous and bitter I had just shown up? Or relieved she wasn't alone anymore? Here we were sharing this experience and I wondered if she was thinking, "Finally, I get to share this with someone".

Rhaegal and Viserion flew ahead of us, Drogon staying by Jahalla's side as we flew into some dense grey cloud. Swooping low, we came upon the men... and the entire Army of the Dead. The men were on a rocky rise, surrounded by a frozen lake that had refrozen overnight to hold the entire dead army as they attacked. I spied Jon on the edge, ready to meet the wight's who were climbing over one another to get to him while the men were at his back fighting creatures that would never die.

The men looked up at us in surprise as we appeared. "Dracarys!" Daenerys ordered and fire rained down on the scene. The three dragons were methodical, working as a team to attack both the wights and the ice, melting it so the wights that survived fell into the freezing water. They couldn't swim due to their rotting bodies filling up with water and not holding air. 

Jahalla roared and blew her fiery breath, being careful not to attack the men in the centre. Daenerys landed, Drogon using his fire to defend himself and his mistress as the men climbed onto his giant body. It was easier for her to land and load passengers, Jahalla had never been ridden before, nor had we practised landing, and I didn't want to add any passengers when we were still getting used to flying together. 

As the men loaded onto Drogon, Jahalla kept looping around the lake which was slowly turning back into liquid. With every powerful roar of fire, Jahalla's body between my legs would warm-up, not so it was painful, but enough to keep me cosy. I could feel the heat from her fire blow back towards me as we flew through the air. 

A pained roar sounded from my left and I whipped my head around as Jahalla sharply rose, heading away from the danger. Rhaegal was careening through the sky, his body rapidly falling as his wings failed in strength to keep him in the air. A large spear protruded from his golden scales, causing the fire deep in his chest to spew out of the wound, quickly replaced by blood as his life slowly slipped away from him. Rhaegal's huge frame crashed into the ice, breaking it apart as his weight continued his movement forward. 

Drogon and Viserion screeched in outrage and grief at the loss of their brother who had finally stopped moving and the light drained from his eyes. As though he were no more than a sack of potatoes, his body slipped over the ice and sunk below the black freezing water. Jahalla roared in alarm, swinging away from the White Walkers gathered at the top of a cliff looking over the lake and the carnage their henchmen were causing below. 

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now