7) Queen Rhaenys!

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While the Bolton banners and shields were collected and piled up together to be burnt, the Stark banners were returned to their rightful place along the front of Winterfell. They'd brought little Rickon's broken body to us, now filled with multiple arrows, and Jon had ordered him buried beside Ned in the crypt. The blacksmith had already lit his forge, his first order of business to fix the wolf-head pommel. Jahalla had landed and I had tended to one of her wings which had caught an arrow. The blacksmith would also be looking at making armour for them, for future battles she would fly in.

Sansa and I now stood outside the dog kennels of Winterfell where she'd ordered him to be tied up and tossed into. He was sat upon a chair so he could look at us, though his stiff and bleeding body protested the movement of his neck as he lifted his head. His eyes widened at the sight of Sansa and a tired smile, still full of that cruel sickness of his spread across his cracked and bleeding lips.

"Sansa, hello, Lady Naveen. So, this is when our time together comes to an end. But you can't kill me, I'm a part of you now."

"Your words will disappear," Sansa said flatly, her voice turning into one I'd never heard before. Cold, distant and... grown up. "Your house will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear."

A growl came from the dark, opened cages lining the wall, five of them filled with Great Danes. Each had been trained and hand-raised by Ramsey and all knew of his cruelty. Ramsey glanced around as the dogs slipped out of their cages and began to circle him, the smell of his blood enticing them into a feeding frenzy.

"My hounds would never harm me," Ramsey said it with such certainty it was laughable.

"You haven't fed them in seven days," Sansa actually smirked.

"They're loyal beasts and they love me."

"They were loyal, but now they're starving."

"And as for love," I crossed my arms, already feeling the enjoyment his suffering would bring. "I don't think anyone loves you."

Sansa stayed and watched the entire time Ramsey's dogs ripped him apart. I had to turn away, whether that made me a coward or not I didn't care. I had seen too much violence and gore for one day and suffered from it too. As Ramsey's screams faded into the background, I realised how tired and hungry I was, how exhausted I was after the strenuous battle. Not just physically but mentally as well. I felt like I could lay down in bed with Jon and never get up for a week.


When I finally did stumble into the castle itself, I found maids and servants running around many stopping to smile and praise me, thanking me for saving them from Ramsay and setting them free. I just smiled and mumbled a few words before I finally found Jon, standing outside his old room. Walking up beside him, I watched his face as he gazed at the small space, the large bed had been used by a servant as it was in the servant wing of the castle.

"I thought I'd give my father and mother's room to Sansa, she deserves it for saving our arses today."

I nodded. "And are we going to sleep in here?"

He didn't say anything, just kept staring at the space that had been his for so many years while he'd lived here. Straightening and pushing away the exhaustion, I crouched down by the fireplace, stacking kindling before striking a rock and sparking the fire into life. Breathing on it a few times to get it going, I stacked small pieces of wood onto it before standing and heading for the bed. Let the fire get started before I place bigger blocks on there.

As I ruffled the sheets, shared by gods-knows-who, Jon snapped into action, grabbing the other side and helped me straighten and make the bed properly before we began stripping off our weapons and boots and laid down, fully dressed and went to sleep.

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now