17) What Our Future Will Look Like

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The day had been long but exciting. Jon admitted he rather liked flying and how much he had enjoyed it. We'd talked and walked as we made our way deep into the crypts, not minding the still cool air that seemed to be constant down here. At one point, as we paused at Robb's statue, I'd felt a sharp jolt.

"Oooh!" I gasped.

Jon spun towards me, eyes wide in search of any danger. They lowered to my hand splayed across my belly. "What is it?"

"Oh!" I said again in surprise and reached for him, placing his hand where mine had been.

There was a long pause, Jon was still confused at my reaction until he felt it. He gasped, staring in wonder and awe at my middle, as the baby started kicking his hand. "Oh... my... gods," He breathed and the babe kicked some more.

"I think he likes your voice."

Jon knelt on one knee before me, placing both hands over the bulge and brought his mouth close to my body. "Hello, little one, I can't wait to meet you. Thank you for letting mummy and I know you're still there."

Smiling down at him, I felt two more kicks before he or she went silent. Jon pressed his lips to our baby and stood. "What do you wish to have? A boy or a girl?"

He shrugged, a dopey happy smile on his face. "I don't care, I'm just happy to have the two of you."

He kissed my forehead, before walking further into the crypt until we found Nedd. The torches were constantly alight in the crypts, but the candles beside the dead were for the mourners coming to visit and I left Jon's side to light them.

Jon stared up at his father and I stayed where I was, watching his face. He was praying, asking his long-dead father, his idol and hero, something I would never know and never ask about. My husband briefly closed his eyes, sending off the prayer and his brown orbs snapped open, looking for me.

I smiled, stepping into his outstretched arm and let him embrace me, turning back to Nedd. We stood together, silently lost in our thoughts.

There was a crash and a pained 'ow' from around the corner, the two of us jumping apart. Jon stalked towards the corner, keeping me close behind him until he came face to face with Samwell Tarly, who was clambering up from the ground.

"Sam!" Jon exclaimed and embraced his friend who was surprised by the gesture but welcomed it. "Have you been hiding from me? I haven't seen you."

"Of course not," Samwell assured, his gaze falling on me. He bowed his head. "Queen Rhaenys."

"Oh please, Sam," I stepped forward to hug him, which he let me. "No need for formalities, if you feel more comfortable you may call me Naveena."

"Oh, um, alright," He nodded, glancing awkwardly between us and taking a step back.

Jon frowned. "What is it?"

"Uh, erm, Jon," Sam was still eyeing me carefully. "Would I be able to have a word? In private?"

I blinked. No one had so openly dismissed me in front of my husband before, though I was surprised it had come from Sam. "Sam, it's Naveen, whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of her."

Sam still glanced back and forwards, struggling for words. Jon's hand had disappeared from my waist, as he stood straighter, puffing out his chest as he angrily glared at his friend. "What is it?"

"Don't you know... Daenerys, she..."

I stepped forward, placing a hand on his arm. "What is it my aunt has done? You can tell me, Samwell, I was your friend first."

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now