13) We Have A Very Complicated Relationship

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A raven had come with a scroll addressed to the king and queen in the North. No doubt Varys had already opened it and smartly resealed it. We were summoned to the war room, where the queen's counsel resided, watching us as we read.

"My love?" I queried, waiting for him to finish reading.

He promptly turned around and handed me the scroll. Scanning over the tiny writing, my whole face lit up. "Brans in Winterfell?!... Arya's alive?!"

"I thought they were both dead," Jon's voice was grave.

"I'm happy for you both," Daenerys glanced between us, her small hesitant smile slipping away. "You don't look happy?"

"Bran saw the Night King heading towards East Watch. If they make it past the Wall..."

"The Wall had kept them out for thousands of years–"

"We need to go home," Jon said firmly and I nodded.

Daenerys continued carefully. "You said you don't have enough men?"

"We'll fight with the men we have but I would like to be with my family," I stood. "Unless you'll join us?"

"And give the country to Cersei? As soon as I march away she marches in."

"Then why not take this problem to her?" I countered. "Cersei thinks the Army of the Dead is nothing but a story. Why don't we prove her wrong?"

"I don't think she'll come see the dead at our invitation," Jon glanced at me.

Tyrion straightened catching on to where I was heading with this. "So bring the dead to her, just one soldier."

"Is that possible?" Davos looked to Jon.

"The first wight I ever saw was brought into Castle Black from beyond the Wall," He shrugged, still watching me. "You suggested this months ago."

"Bring one to Cersei and show her the truth," I agreed.

"Anything you bring back will be useless unless Cersei grants us an audience and is somehow convinced not to murder us the moment we set foot in the capital."

"Then I'll write the letter," I said quietly, all eyes turning to me.

Tyrion grimaced in sympathy, while Daenerys titled her head in aggravation. "Why would Cersei listen to you?"

"Because Naveena was her first daughter," Varys supplied.

I sighed, gripping Jon's hand for support. "We have a very complicated relationship."

"I will write it, using your name as well, but I'll talk to Jamie."

I nodded, watching the little lords face contort with sadness at the mention of his brother. "But how will you get into King's Landing?" Daenerys asked.

Ser Davos stepped forward. "I can smuggle you in but if the Gold Cloaks were to recognise you, I'm warning you I'm not a fighter."

Tyrion nodded solemnly. Varys looked to us. "It'll all be for nothing without one of these dead men, how do you propose the find one?"

"Finding them won't be a problem," I muttered.

"Catching one might."

"With the queen's permission, I'll go north and take one," Jorah volunteered, standing to the left of his queen's seat.

Daenerys whirled around in her seat, giving her knight a hard look but Jon interrupted. "The Free Folk will help us, they know the true north better than anyone."

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now