12) Get That Dragon Away From My Wife

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Daenerys, Missandei and I walked side-by-side down the steps from the castle towards the beach. Jon had wanted Daenerys to check in on his work this morning to show her their progress and that her efforts weren't unappreciated or in vain. The Naarth woman seemed quiet this morning, withdrawn. Her solemn face pointed towards the ground as though she were in deep thought.

"No word from the Unsullied, your grace?" She asked quietly.

The queen eyed me for a moment before glancing at her friend. "Soon he will come back to you."

Missandei glanced red-faced over at me before returning to look at the ground. I smiled. "Who's this? An Unsullied soldier?" I left my tone light and made sure not to tease. I was well aware the reason the Unsullied were named was due to all of them being eunuchs.

Daenerys stayed silent, letting Missandei reveal whatever details she felt comfortable with. We reached the top of the last set of stairs before the beach stretched out before us. "Commander Grey Worm, your grace."

Grey Worm? Were these the kind of names the Unsullied were given? I smiled at her in encouragement. "Your grace?" We glanced down the steps to find Jon patiently waiting for us.

Daenerys took my arm in hers and only the two of us headed down the stairs, Missandei and the Dothraki guards staying behind. We trekked across the beach, heading for the huge gaping hole in the cliff-face. Ser Davos stood waiting with a lit torch in hand at the entrance. "We've started mining already but further down the cave, there's something I wanted you to see."

Dany glanced warily at me as we entered the cave, Davos and Jon flanking us. Jon picked up a flaming torch that had been wedged into the rock and lead us further into the darkness. We passed the men hacking away at the glimmering shiny wall of obsidian with their pickaxes. The further we walked the more narrow the passage became.

Jon took my hand, leading me behind him as we were forced to walk in single file, his torch lighting the way ahead. We entered a large cavern, the space opening up rapidly around us. The walls and ceiling were glittering with black stone. The sight was breathtaking but nothing we hadn't seen upon the walk in here. Jon gestured to a smaller looking tunnel carved in the rock, narrower and shorter than the one we'd entered through.

"It's a bit of a tight squeeze, your grace," Jon glanced at me in concern. "Are you up for it?"

I nodded and so did the queen. Jon handed me the torch and gestured towards the tunnel, letting me lead the way. Daenerys came in behind me, with Jon in the rear. Sand crunched underneath our feet but there was no direction up or downhill, we just grew deeper and deeper into the cave. Our breathing became shorter as the air supply grew smaller.

The tunnel came to a much smaller cavern, with the ceiling only just above our heads but they were littered with carvings. I lifted my torch higher, making the swirls and lines that had been drawn into the rock more visible. There was a recurring theme here with the swirls; the sun, dotted lines that looked random formed a huge circle. "Swirls? Jon, didn't you say the white walkers left their victims in swirls before they were resurrected?"

"It's their signature, but they got it from someone else," He nodded gravely, his hand brushing the stone. "The Children of the Forest made these."

"When?" Daenerys spoke.

"A very long time ago," Jon said simply. "They were here right where we're standing long before there were Targaryens, Starks or Lannisters."

"Before there were men?"

"No," He quickly shook his head and with a hand on my waist, he turned me, guiding me towards a part of the cavern that hadn't been in the light.

Torchlight revealed the unmistakable carvings of people, tall and muscular. "They lived here together, the Children and the First Men."

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now