8) I Have A Better Idea

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The brisk morning air blasted my face as Jon and I galloped across the plain. Ghost and Grey Wind ran ahead of us, occasionally tackling each other into the snow. The morning sun would clear the fog for a brief minute before it came back with a vengeance later in the day. My brown hair was split into three braids this morning, running along my head and then became one in the centre with smaller braids looping through it. Sansa had wanted to try out her braiding skills, and I'd let her have at it.

The morning was my favourite time in the North, the fresh rays of daylight shining on the thin layer of snow that covered the earth, washing the land in a golden glow of carpet as the light skittered across the white. It was always cold up here, not that it had ever bothered me. Fire flowed through my veins, providing a warmth that protected me even against the harsh wind threatening to plough down anything in its path. The wolves seemed to love the snow, too. Their coats had been thickening as the temperature plummeted and frozen wastelands were their natural habitat.

With a tug of the reins, the beautiful steed underneath me came to a slow trot, jog and finally a stop atop a small hill looking out at the spectacular landscape. Winterfell stood two hills over, its rightful colours of House Stark back where they belonged, flapping proudly in the chilled air. Horse puffing, Jon halted beside me, a delighted grin on his face.

That icy wind whipped at my hair, the brown strands being tugged by invisible hands. The land looked practically mystical, the stone castle standing amongst the hills, almost part of the landscape itself. It felt strange to finally be home, not quite at peace but a pleasant sense of relief. I was home, I finally made it. "What are you thinking about, my love?" Jon asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Just remarking on the fact I've never actually ruled the North from the north before," I looked to him. "Seems strange to actually be here, after everything. I'm thankful of course, but I find it strange I'm not fighting for it anymore."

"We will be, Rhaenys," Jon reminded me. "When the Long Night comes, we will be fighting for our home once more, just on a larger scale."

"We should ask Cersei for help, if we fall it leaves the south vulnerable for the taking."

"There's no way she'll believe the stories about the White Walkers are true."

My eyes met Jon. "Perhaps we should take proof to her."

He frowned, thinking about what I was saying. It was a good idea but he was also right about Cersei, she'd probably laugh in our faces and kill us on site. Think it was all some big joke to trick her into sending her army to us only for us to slaughter them and leave her defenceless. I analysed the deep-set frown of his handsome face, the pout of his lips. Smiling to myself, my mind drifted to the night before.

Our lovemaking had started off gentle and soft, Jon memorising the new body he got to explore. He'd carefully laid me down on the bed, his naked form above me as his lips sucked at my neck, moving lower to nip at my collarbone.

I was already moaning, grinding myself against him to create some friction but he easily held my hips down with one broad hand, chuckling against my skin between the valley of my breasts. He gave each attention, nibbling and sucking at the pebbled peaks, the ache between my legs soaring to new heights. "Jon," I moaned and I felt a callused hand run up the inside of my leg, swiping up my centre in a slow and steady manner.

I moaned even louder. The hand that had been holding down my hip, moved to hoist my leg over his shoulder, his black head of curls going lower and lower, trailing over the sensitive skin of my stomach. My hips jerked in anticipation and I felt his teeth graze my clit. "Jon," I said breathlessly but strongly enough he glanced up.

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