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The ships carrying the Unsullied and the Dothraki sailed out of the harbour. We stood on the busy port as we watched them leave the bay, their plain black sails of mourning taking them out to sea. Grey Worm had mentioned he and his men would first be sailing to the Isle of Naath, to lay Missandei to rest in her home. Then they would sail for the free cities and rejoin with the Second Sons to continue Dany's reign.

Sansa, Bran, Aegon and I flagged Arya, standing on the dock in front of the ship that would take her across the sea to lands unknown. She had hand-selected a small crew to help her on her journey.

Gendry stood with Ser Davos, looking crestfallen and uncomfortable. "Aren't you going to say goodbye?"

"I already have," She said, following my gaze to him. "He asked me to marry him but I'm not a lady. I'm going to sail to whatever is west of Westeros and discover new lands."

"Do you think you will ever come back?" Aegon asked.

She shrugged. I wrapped a motherly arm around her shoulders. "You know he's a lord now, if and when you return, he will be married and he will have heirs."

A cheeky smile tugged at her lips. "And perhaps you two will have a few more?"

I scoff, Aegon going red, still the same beautiful man I'd fallen for when were kids. "We've got our hands full with Robb and Elianna, thank you very much."

She smiled and embraced both of us. "I will miss you two. You will make great rulers of the Six Kingdoms."

"Goodbye, my dear," I pressed a kiss to her forehead, watching her say goodbye to her siblings before boarding the boat. Her face was still marked with scars but she was strong. A free soul who might find some joy and comfort in the unknown.

Sansa sniffed, wiping at her eyes as we watched the ship sail away. Turning to us she cleared her throat. "You know, I am sorry the North lost their king and queen."

"They gained a new one," I smiled. "Ned Stark's daughter is the best thing that will ever happen to them."


The first meeting of the Queen's council, I considered a success. Every member I'd asked for was in attendance and on time. The men were already in the room when I entered, Aegon following in behind me.

I took the seat at the head of the table. Tyrion had been smart enough to have them replaced, both the king's and mine to the Targaryen sigil in the centre, the crown above it. Tyrion's seat with the symbol of the Hand carved into it was on my left, Aegon at the opposite end of the table. There were four chairs on either side of the table, each with its own symbol representing each member of the council.

Aegon stood behind his seat at the other end, Tyrion grabbing ahold of his. I pointed to the chair on my right with the unbalanced scales carved into it. "Samwell Tarly, this is your seat as my Grand Maester, please swap it for the one next to Aegon."

The round man promptly grabbed the chair, returning a moment later with the chair with the bird. The Master of Whispers chair. "Ser Bronn," I pointed to the second seat closest on my right. "I appoint you the Master of Coin." His chair had a purse of money with coins falling out of it.

The third chair on my left, with a ship carved into it, went to Ser Davos. "My Master of Ships."

I pulled out my own chair and took a seat, the others following my lead. Tyrion looked around at all the empty seats. "We're only missing a Master of Whispers, Master of War, Lord Commander of the Queensguard, Master of Laws and a Member for Dorne."

"The Member for Dorne is being selected as we speak," I reassured him. "I have yet to meet the person who will become my Master of Whispers because mainly I don't trust anyone to fill any of the other positions. However, I have appointed King Aegon my Master of War, Commander General and Commander of the Queensguard. If anyone can fight hard to protect the Queen, it's him." I smirked down the table at him and he rolled his eyes. "If, in future all these titles and responsibilities prove too much, I may appoint additional personnel."

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now