10) I Brought My Own Dragon

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The group that greeted us on the beach was meant to intimidate us. The gang of twelve Dothraki were armed to the teeth with spears, arakhs, knives and whips. But there was something comforting seeing that familiar dwarf standing amongst all those warriors. A woman with the skin tone of those from across the Narrow Sea stood beside him.

Though the South was noticeably warmer than what we experience in the North, the open bay of Dragonstone was a dreary and freezing welcome to the island. The wind whipped across the top of the water, bringing with it a salty chill. The sea shot sprays of water into the air, creating a light mist.

Jon and Ser Davos helped me out of the small boat we'd rowed in from the ship and we made our way up the black sand towards the group. Tyrion greeted us with a smile, looking each of us in the eye. "The bastard of Winterfell comes to the shores of Dragonstone hand-in-hand with my dear friend, Naveena Baratheon." There's a small but hesitant smile on his face, directed towards me. "Or is it Rhaenys Targaryen?"

"Tyrion," I smile in greeting and genuine fondness for the man. "It's true, my real name is Rhaenys. I know that deception won't sit well with you and may ruin our friendship but for what good it will do, it is good to see you, my friend."

His features flash with a dazzling smile and he steps forward to take my hand and press a kiss to the back of it before shaking Jon's. "I have known you for many years and if you are still the person I have known you to be then our friendship remains intact. I can only sympathise with the terror and loathe you lived in, living beside Robert all these years, having to call him your brother. Anyhow, look at us now. It's been a long journey."

Jon nods solemnly. "But we're all still here."

Tyrion turns his attention to our company. "I'm Tyrion Lannister." He introduces.

"Davos Seaworth," The man himself steps forward to shake hands with.

"The Onion Knight. We fought on opposite sides of the Battle of Blackwater Bay," Tyrion commented without vehemence. He turned to the woman beside him. "This is Missandei, the Queen's most trusted advisor."

"Pleasure to meet you," I hoped my smile was friendly. I want to be able to make some friends here, especially if we don't impress Daenerys.

"Welcome to Dragonstone," She smiles at us, beaming at me especially. The beautiful brown-skinned woman had an interesting accent which I placed as being from the Isle of Naath. "Our Queen knows it is a long journey. She appreciates the efforts you have made on her behalf. If you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons?"

My gaze flickered around to the Dothraki men, all arakhs in hand before looking up at Jon's questioning gaze. Behind him, Davos scowled in disagreement. I gave a single nod and he turned to the men, nodding that it was okay for them to hand over the only things that would protect them should this group of savages attacked. The Dothraki walked forward to collect them.

The one closest to Tyrion, who looked to be the leader stepped in front of us and the men began undoing their scabbards. I joined them, handing over the weapons to the man who seemed surprised I was carrying so many as I removed them from my bodice. When I held my sword out towards him, I hesitated. Tyrion, still observant as ever, held up a hand to his Dothraki companion. "Wait. Nav-Rhaenys, isn't that... isn't that the sword Robb Stark gave you?"

I ran a hand over the wolf-head pommel, I nodded, easily fighting back the emotion that tried to rise to the surface. The pain never went away but it became more manageable day by day. "I just got her back from Ramsey Bolton, but I respect the Queen's wishes." I nod confidently, but it was more for my own sake rather than theirs.

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now