23) She Took Them From Me

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A raven arrived two weeks later, a week after meeting with Cersei and having enough time for Daenerys to regroup at Dragonstone. The message read, "Talks with Cersei over. Missandei dead. Come to Dragonstone."

"Come to Dragonstone?" Davos' brows rose. "What? She can't even have the decency to ask?"

We'd left him in charge of getting our forces the rest of the way to King's Landing, while Jon and I travelled to Dragonstone. Jahalla landed on the beach, sand spraying out around her as Jon and a handful of Northmen rowed onto shore. Jon met me halfway, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to my lips. Varys waited for us by the foot of the great stone steps carved into the rock.

He bowed in greeting, glancing at the men behind us. "The northern armies?"

"They should have just crossed the Trident," Jon updated him. "They'll be at the walls of King's Landing in a week."

"How's my aunt?" I watched my old friend, trying to find a flicker of emotion beneath that neutral mask he usually wears. 

"She has seen no one since we returned," He answered, walking up the steps and the three of us began the long journey back to the castle. "Hasn't left her chambers, nor accepted any food."

"She shouldn't be alone," I murmur, Jon offering me a glance. "Not after losing a child and a friend."

"You're worried for her?" Varys comments, still walking ahead of us. 

I frown. "Of course, aren't you worried for her?"

"I'm worried for all of us," He twists his head around enough to make eye contact with me over his shoulder. "We all know what she's about to do."

My gaze briefly meets Jon, but we hurriedly glance away. Varys' topic of discussion was rapidly heading towards treason. "As the future queen of the Six Kingdoms, that is her call to make."

Varys stops, turning to face me. His eyes are hard and a glimmer of confusion crosses his face before it's gone too. "I have worked tirelessly for twenty-five years to ensure your survival, Rhaenys Targaryen. But longer than that, I have served five rulers in total. I have seen the good, the bad and the worst. I am still here to serve this kingdom. The three of us both know who should rightfully be seated on that throne."

"You're her advisor!" I snapped, the wind ripping my words away into nothing as we stood out here on the slopes, the castle looming above us. "I sent you to get her because I wanted to go north, Varys. It's always been my home."

"King's Landing has been your home!"

"But it never felt like home," My fist bangs against my chest, over my heart. "She's my family. She can restore the Targaryen line. She can deal with the country."

Vary stepped forward, bracing his hands on my upper arm. "I think she might be more like her father than we realised."

"My grandfather, you mean?" I scoff. "How do you know I won't end up like him too."

"Because I know you, Rhaenys," His left hand came up to cup my cheek. "With you, I know who you are and that you're the right queen."

Stepping back, I push past him and continue up the stairs, forcing the two behind me to go slow as my pregnant body takes the path at a snail's pace. My mind was reeling. How had it suddenly come to this? I'd known the minute I'd left King's Landing I wouldn't return. That I gave up my shot at the throne. I had preferred to be with Jon. 

When I'd asked him to sail across the sea and take Tyrion with him, he should have known. Tyrion was one of the smartest and wisest people I know. The consequence of being overlooked, swept aside, hidden and berated for existing. 

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now