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A strangled cry tore from my throat, Davos lunging for me as my knees gave way and he caught me before I could drop to the floor. He half led half carried me inside, while Edd moved Jon's desk, clearing it of candles, papers and quills, his brothers entering behind him carrying the body.

Carefully, they laid Jon out on the table, arranging him so his legs were straight, pressed together and arms by his sides. Davos found me a seat, placing it right beside the Commander and helped lower me into it. I could feel the hot tears rolling down my cheeks, the only thing I could hear was a roaring sound in my ears, but all I could do was stare. His face was pale, staring up at the ceiling in shock, skin cold as ice with snowflakes stuck to his beautiful curly hair.

Edd stepped up to the body of his friend, noticing the holes in the Commander's leather vest. Wiping his hand over Jon's torso, he lifted it, only to find his fingers stained red. "Oh gods," I released a breath, afraid if I spoke too loud, something bad would happen. Something worse than this. But there was nothing worse than this.

Standing on wobbly legs, I rose, the men looking at me with sad eyes. Leaning over, I placed a kiss to the icy lips of the man I loved, gently shutting his eyes. I didn't care that there were other people in the room, that these men of the Night's Watch, who had vows about abstaining, saw me kiss him. Jon was dead. So it didn't matter. None of it did.

Edd placed his hand over mine, which rested over Jon's still and silent heart. "Thorne did this," His face shook with controlled anger.

Davos stepped forward, from behind me, where he'd been to make sure I was alright. "How many of your brothers do you think you can trust?"

Edd looked around. "The men in this room."

"You're close with both wolves," Davos looked to me, and I raised a quizzical brow. "We're going to need all the help we can get. What about your dragon?"

I shrugged with a shake of my head. "She's Beyond-the-Wall, hunting; I don't know how to summon her."

There was a sharp knock, and every man had their swords drawn, facing the door, while I placed an arm over the corpse of my beloved, still protecting him though he no longer breathed.

"Ser Davos? Lady Naveen?" Came a quiet voice from the other side of the door.

Edd glanced at me, and I nodded, opening the door to find Lady Melisandre on the other side, dressed in red. Her eyes fell on me, and then the body. Slowly, she entered the room, walking over to stare down at him.

Her brows creased in confusion, hovering a hand over the vicious stab marks in the leather. "I saw him in the flames, fighting at Winterfell." Her eyes flickered to me. "You beside him."

Davos pressed his lips together. "I can't speak for the flames, but he's gone."

A sob escaped my throat, and I collapsed into my chair again. "Noooo!"

The wolves gathered around me, sniffing and licking at me and the limp hand I clung to. And all anyone could do was watch.


The white glow of the morning sun reflecting off the snow, shined in through the window and Edd watched it grow lighter and lighter. "Our daily meet would have started by now."

"And Thorne would have made it clear Castle Black is his," Davos commented. "Our absence would be noted."

"I don't care who sits at the high table," Edd snapped. "Jon was my friend, and they butchered him. It's time we return the favour."

"We don't have the numbers."

"We have two direwolves."

"It's not enough," Davos shook his head. "I didn't know Lord Commander Snow for long, but I have to believe he wouldn't have wanted his friends to die for nothing."

Naveena TARGARYEN :||: Queen Series #3Where stories live. Discover now