Totally gonna fail.

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        Eren threw his pencil on the ground. "WHY DOES THIS TEST EVEN MATTER?" He yelled. "Eren..." Armin reached down and picked up the pencil. "If we don't pass we can't graduate." They had been studying for two hours and Eren barely knew anything.

         "I swear, you're gonna graduate, and I'll still be here when I'm in my forties." Eren walked to the couch and turned on the T.V. "Not if I help you!" Armin yelled across the room.

       "Ugh... Go get me a coke, slave." Eren said as he flipped through the channels. Armin sighed.  "Only if you come and study."

       "FUCK NO." Eren screamed. "Eren, I'll leave if you don't come in here." Armin started to get annoyed. "FINE. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." Eren got up and opened the door.

       "Eren-" "JUST GO." Armin sighed and walked out the door with his books in his hands. "I'll be back tomorrow..." "Whatever." Eren said as he slammed the door.

       "I need to go get a drink..." Eren muttered as he checked his phone for open bars in town. "Huh. I guess I'll go to the new one downtown." Eren grabbed his keys and fake ID from the top of the fridge and ran out the door.

(Author's note: Sorry I'm not good at writing. Heh. I dunno. Hope you all liked the first part doe. XD)

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