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       SLAM. "Eren? You here?" Armin walked into the kitchen. "I came to finish studying!" He set his books down on the table.

       Eren heard him downstairs. 'Shit! I forgot about Armin coming over again today!" Eren looked down at what he was wearing. It was just his boxers. "God dammit..." Eren muttered under his breath.

       Armin walked over to the stairs. "Eren? Are you up there?" he started walking up the steps.

       Eren heard him coming up. 'Well, I don't want him to see me in my boxers and I have no time to get changed... Maybe I'll just... Pretend I'm asleep! Like I didn't know he came in! Yeah!' He pulled up the covers.

       Armin got to the top of the stairs and stood outside Eren's room. He took a breath. "Eren, if you're in there, I'm coming in, so put some clothes on. Armin slowly opened the door and saw Eren on the bed.

       "Eren, wake up." He moaned. "Eren!" Armin raised his tone. "Noooo..." Eren pulled the covers closer. "EREN!" Armin yelled. "WHAT DO YOU WANT???" Eren screamed as he threw the covers off.

       Armin started laughing uncontrollably. "Sorry, Sleeping Beauty! Time to wake up!"

      "Five more minutes..." Eren did a pretty good job of pretending he was sleepy.

      "Eren, it's three in the afternoon. I told you I was gonna come over at two! I gave you an extra hour!"

       Eren sighed and managed to pull himself out of bed. Armin gasped to see that he was only in his boxers.

       "Ere... Eren... EREN! Uhhh... I guess I'll just... Uh...go downstairs!!!" Armin started to walked out quickly and went downstairs, trying not to get a boner. 'Shit, I don't want him to know I'm attracted to my best friend!' He thought as he turned on the radio.

       "YO! ARMIN!" Eren yelled down to stairs. "Where's the Panic! At The Disco coming from?"

       Armin gigled. "This weird sound box on the fridge!"

       A few minutes later, Eren came down in skinny jeans, Vans, and a hoodie. He grabbed a coke and sat down.

       "So! Where were we?"

       Armin opened up his book and started talking. "Well, we were at the part where the amino acid bonds with-"

       Eren couldn't pay attention. All he could think about was last night.

       "And then the mRNA sends-" Armin looked up. "Helloooo? Earth to Eren? Come in, Jaeger."

       It took Eren a few seconds to realize what was going on. When he did, he fell out of his chair. "WHA... Oh. Uh... Yeah... Then the messengerRNA-"

       "Eren, if you keep doing this, you won't pass. Why do you even stay in school of you don't like paying attention?"

       "I... I promised my mom I would finish everything I start."

       There was a brief silence. Armin knew how much his mom had mattered. "Oh... Well... I... I'm sorry..."

      "No no, it's... It's okay..." Eren felt tears starting to form. He reached over and hugged Armin, burying his face into his soft blonde hair. Armin hugged him back.

       Armin was trying not to show affection, which was hard to do. They sat there for a while. "Do you want me to go?" He whispered.

       "Oh... Okay..." Eren pulled away. There was a silence as they closed their books and walked to the door. Finally, Eren broke it. "I'll see you at 7:00 am to drive to school tomorrow..."

      "Alright. I'll see you then." Armin walked home.

      Eren plopped down on the couch and turned on Netflix. He turned on Grimm and covered himself in a blanket. Just as Nick started beating the life out Adeline, his phone buzzed. Eren picked it up.

  New notification: Text from Levi reading:

         Who the hell are you and why

         is your number in my contacts?

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